Martin Luther as an Augustinian monk in a habit, half-length figure to the right, with book, in front of an arched niche with impost

Martin Luther as an Augustinian monk in a habit, half-length figure to the right, with book, in front of an arched niche with impost

Print, Woodcut

See German text version

Unknown, Inventor*in
Hans Sebald Beham, Inventor*in


Unknown, Inventor*in

[KKL 2022]

Hans Sebald Beham, Inventor*in

[Hagelstange, 1907, 105]

Lucas Cranach der Ältere, Inventor*in

[Hirth, 1893, 11]

Production dates
as of November 1520, probably early 1521
after 18 April 1520

Production dates

as of November 1520, probably early 1521

´Von der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft´, [VD16 L 4193]

after 1 March 1523

`Von weltlicher Obrigkeit´, [VD16 L 7309]

1523 - 1524

'Fünff schoner Christlicher Ser=||mon geprediget durch Do=||ctor Martini Luther || zu wittemberg.|| M.D.xxiij.|| Jahre', [VD16 L 4753]

after 3 May 1523

´Fünf schöne christliche Sermones´, [VD16 L 4753]

after 8 June 1524 (Impr.: '1524')

´Wider den neuen Abgott und alten Teufel´, [VD16 L 7437]

after 18 April 1520

'Passio oder das Leiden unseres Herrn', [VD16 L 5576]

as of 1525

'Eyn Christlich bekentnus oder Beycht auss der heiligen / geschrifft gezogen / welche der mensch Got taͤglich vnd offtmals auss grundt seynes herzen thun soll', Single-leaf print, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Inv.-Nr. Mp 14664


Becker, Rudolph Zacharias / Derschau, Hans Albrecht von (Hg.): Holzschnitte alter deutscher Meister. In den Original-Platten. [...], Zweyte Lieferung, Gotha 1810.

after 1810

[KKL 2022]

Image: 153 (+/-2) x 122 (+/-2) mm


  • Image: 153 (+/-2) x 122 (+/-2) mm

  • [Thomas Klinke, KKL 2022]

Signature / Dating

date '1520'

Signature / Dating

  • date '1520'

  • [KKL 2022]

I.2D7, Part of portait group I
Persistent Link

Primary Sources

Position in volume
VD16 L 7437 C3v
AuthorMartin Luther
TitleWider den neuen Abgott und alten Teufel
Place of PublicationNürnberg
Year of Publication1524
Book formatquart
ReferencesVD 16 L 7437, Benzing, Claus 1989 1924, Weimarer Ausgabe WA 15, 177H
VD16 L 4753 title verso
AuthorMartin Luther
TitleFünf schöner christlicher Sermon
Place of PublicationAugsburg
Year of Publication1523
Book formatquart
ReferencesVD 16 L 4753, Benzing, Claus 1989 46, Weimarer Ausgabe WA 10, 3. XIX, Nr. 8
VD16 L 7309 last
AuthorMartin Luther
TitleVon weltlicher Überkeit & Ein Sermon von weltlichem Recht
Place of PublicationAugsburg
Year of Publication1523
Book formatquart
ReferencesVD 16 L 7309, Benzing, Claus 1989 1515, Weimarer Ausgabe WA 11, 231 G1 und G2
VD16 L 5576 title verso
AuthorMartin Luther
TitlePassio oder das Leiden Jesu Christi
Place of PublicationAugsburg
Year of Publication1522
Book formatquart
ReferencesVD 16 L 5576, Benzing, Claus 1989 1319, Weimarer Ausgabe WA 10,3.XX Pa
VD16 L 4193 title
AuthorMartin Luther
TitleVon der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft
Place of PublicationAugsburg
Year of Publication1521
Book formatquart
ReferencesVD 16 L 4193, Benzing, Claus 1989 716, Weimarer Ausgabe WA 6, 491e


1. State

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Zentralbibliothek Zürich

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Reformationsgeschichtliche Forschungsbibliothek, Wittenberg

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Staatliche Bibliothek Regensburg

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

no alt text

as of November 1520, probably early 1521, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Forschungsbibliothek Gotha der Universität Erfurt

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Landesbibliothek Coburg

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after 18 April 1522, Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau

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after 18 April 1522, Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

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after 18 April 1522, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kupferstichkabinett

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena

no alt text

after 18 April 1522, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Zentralbibliothek Zürich

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Reformationsgeschichtliche Forschungsbibliothek, Wittenberg

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

no alt text

after 1 March 1523, Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Lutherhaus Wittenberg

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Universitätsbibliothek der LMU, München

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Universitätsbibliothek der LMU, München

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Reformationsgeschichtliche Forschungsbibliothek, Wittenberg

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Reformationsgeschichtliche Forschungsbibliothek, Wittenberg

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Staatliche Bibliothek Regensburg

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig

no alt text

after 3 May 1523, Universitätsbibliothek Rostock

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1523 - 1524, Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha

no alt text

between November 1521 and 1524, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

no alt text

between November 1520 and 1524, Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Museen

no alt text

between November 1520 and 1524, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

no alt text

between November 1520 and 1524, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

no alt text

between November 1520 and 1524, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

no alt text

between November 1520 and 1524, Wartburg-Stiftung, Eisenach

no alt text

between November 1520 und 1524, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

no alt text

between November 1520 und 1524, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München

no alt text

between November 1520 und 1524, British Museum

no alt text

between November 1520 und 1524, British Museum

Citing from the Cranach Digital Archive

Entry with author
<author's name>, 'Martin Luther as an Augustinian monk in a habit, half-length figure to the right, with book, in front of an arched niche…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
Entry with no author
'Martin Luther as an Augustinian monk in a habit, half-length figure to the right, with book, in front of an arched niche…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})

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