



[cda 2023]

Painting on beech

Charity - the personification of benevolence- is depicted as a woman breast-feeding an infant, sitting on a stone block beneath an apple tree. She is embraced from behind by another child. A young girl approaches her from the left eating an apple and touches her leg. The group is shown

Charity - the personification of benevolence- is depicted as a woman breast-feeding an infant, sitting on a stone block beneath an apple tree. She is embraced from behind by another child. A young girl approaches her from the left eating an apple and touches her leg. The group is shown against a backdrop of bushes.

[cda 2023]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder
Circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder


Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder
Circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder
Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder

"Schule" [Parthey 1863, 708, no. 12] [Heller 1854, 67] [Cat. Frankfurt 1843, 9, no. 64]

Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Cat. Frankfurt 1843, 9, no. 64] [Auct. Cat. Frankfurt 1829, 9, no. 253]


Forgery [Zupancic 1992, 137]

Production date
after 1529
Dimensions of support: 20.6 x 13.6 x 0.3 cm


Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels

Reverse of the support: - black paint, brush (before the application of rag paper?): 'C. La'

  • black felt tip pen: …

Inscriptions and Labels

Stamps, Seals, Labels:

  • Reverse of the support: - black paint, brush (before the application of rag paper?): 'C. La'

    • black felt tip pen: '64'
    • red, now green ballpoint pen: 'P 64'
    • on the blue rag paper, brown ink: '254 L Carnag' (crossed out with brown ink) 'L Cranach pere'
    • pencil: '64'
    • pink colouring pencil: '64
    • blue ballpoint pen: 'P 5'
    • on the strip of cardboard, top, pencil: 'Pr 64'
    • red ballpoint pen: 'P 64.'
    • bottom, black felt tip pen: '64'
Historisches Museum Frankfurt a.M.
Historisches Museum Frankfurt a.M.
Frankfurt am Main
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • (at an unknown date) entered the collection of Johann Valentin Prehn (1749-1821)
  • in 1829 his son, Ernst Friedrich Carl Prehn, withdrew the so-called 'Kleines Kabinett' from the auction of his father's collection
  • in 1839 the city of Frankfurt accepted the cabinet as a gift and transferred it to the Municiple library (Stadtbibliothek), where from 1842 it was on public display
  • from 1867 Prehn's cabinet was then displayed in the 'Saalhof', together with other paintings in the municipal collection
  • in 1878 it entered the collection of the Historisches Museum Frankfurt (HMF)
    [Historisches Museum Frankfurt online, accessed 12.07.2023]


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Cat. Frankfurt 2021
EditorWolfgang Cilleßen, Anja Damaschke, Julia Ellinghaus, Gerhard Kölsch
TitlePrehns Bilderparadies. Die einzigartige Gemäldesammlung eines Frankfurter Konditors der Goethezeit [Historisches Museum Frankfurt]
Place of PublicationFrankfurt am Main
Year of Publication2021
Koepplin 2007 B 63
AuthorDieter Koepplin
TitleCranachs Bilder der Caritas im theologischen und humanistischen Geiste Luthers und Melanchthons
Publicationin Bodo Brinkmann, ed., Cranach der Ältere [Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt]
Place of PublicationOstfildern
Year of Publication2007
Exhib. Cat. Freiburg 1994 Fig. 37
AuthorDetlef Zinke
TitleJoseph Hermann (1732 - 1811). Ein Freiburger Maler und die Wiederentdeckung der Altdeutschen [Augustinermuseum, Freiburg, 30.07-01.10.1994]
Place of PublicationFreiburg
Year of Publication1994
Zupancic 1992 137 Fig. 66
AuthorAndrea Zupancic
TitleFälschungen altdeutscher Tafelmalerei im frühen neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Zur Phänomenologie der Kunstfälschung. [Dissertation, Bochum]
Year of Publication1992
Cat. Frankfurt 1988 92f.
AuthorViktoria Schmidt-Linsenhoff, Kurt Wettengl
TitleKatalog zu der Abteilung Bürgerliche Sammlungen in Frankfurt 1700 - 1830 [Historisches Museum Frankfurt]
Place of PublicationFrankfurt am Main
Year of Publication1988
Parthey 1863 708 012
AuthorGustav Parthey
TitleDeutscher Bildersaal: Verzeichniss der in Deutschland vorhandenen Oelbilder verstorbener Maler aller Schulen; in alphabetischer Folge zusammengestellt. Erster Band: A - K
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1863
Heller 1854 67
AuthorJoseph Heller
TitleLucas Cranach's Leben und Werke
Place of PublicationNuremberg
Year of Publication1854
Cat. Frankfurt 1843 9 064
AuthorJohann David Passavant
TitleVerzeichniss des auf der Frankfurter Stadtbibliothek aufgestellten Prehnischen Gemäldecabinets
Place of PublicationFrankfurt am Main
Year of Publication1843
Auct. Cat. Frankfurt 1829 9 253
Authorn. a.
TitleDie Gemälde, Handzeichnungen, Kupferstiche und Bücher, welche zur Hinterlassenschaft von Herrn Johann Valentin Prehn gehören
Place of Publication[Frankfurt am Main]
Year of Publication1829
  • Charity, after 1529


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  • overall

Technical studies

2021Technical examination / Scientific analysis


- a single board (vertical grain)

- on the reverse marks from a saw (across the grain) and a smoothing plane (with the grain)

Ground and Imprimatura

- white glue-bound ground applied in thin layers

- lines scored into the ground at the top and bottom of the panel, c. 0.3-0.4 cm and 0.6-0.7 cm from the edge of the panel respectively.


There is a sparse loose underdrawing executed with a brush and black fluid medium indicating contours and essential details.

Paint Layers and Gilding

The sky was initially laid in with white paint followed by the application of a layer containing a green copper-based pigment; the flesh paint was worked up with glazes using vermilion and white, varying in ratio according to requirements; deeper shadows were achieved with brown and black paint; the surface structure of glazes in areas of shadow suggest a finger may have been used; the hair was modulated with glazes containing ochre, vermilion and lead tin yellow; grey glazes were used for the stone, indicating highlights with white paint and shadows with a paint containing a green copper-based pigment; the marble block where Charity sits was modulated using paint with green copper-based pigments applied in varying thicknesses and making use of the ground in the final visual effect; the veins were drawn with a fine tipped brush in white and brown (an admixture of black and red); the foliage and the meadow were initially laid in using paint containing a green copper-based pigment with the addition of some white; due to the discoloured glaze these areas now appear black; leaves and blades of grass were rendered with a fine brush using a mixture of malachite and white, and completed with a green glaze; the darker green leaves in the sky were added with a green glaze, now brown; the tree trunk was worked up employing semi-transparent dark brown and grey paint; finally details like the chain, single strands of hair, the veil, flowers and the apples were added.


Condition Reports



  • the panel has been cropped on all four sides (top and bottom only slightly trimmed)

  • a piece of the top left corner has broken off (c. 1 x 1 cm).

  • there is an old split at the top right edge, c. 2 cm length

Paint layers:

  • numerous small retouched losses along the glued joint where the wedge was reattached, and also across the entire painted surface

  • larger losses at the edge of the panel


  • the application of the new varnish is patchy

[Historisches Museum Frankfurt online, accessed 22.05.2023]

Conservation History


In 1967 a piece of wood, 10 cm in length and wedge shaped, was reattached to the bottom edge of the panel.

[Historisches Museum Frankfurt online, accessed 22.05.2023]

Citing from the Cranach Digital Archive

Entry with author
<author's name>, 'Charity', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
Entry with no author
'Charity', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})

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