- limewood (Tilia sp.). Identification of wood species, from the 26.10.2013, report in the painting file MdbK, carried out by Prof.Dr. Peter Klein
- no knots; cut could not be determined
- single board, fitted in the original engaged frame
- dimensions: Adam, left: 10.4 cm top/ 10.2 cm bottom; Eve, right: 10.3 cm top/ 10.2 cm bottom
- vertical marks from a simple plane
- the joins are not reinforced
Ground and Imprimatura
- white, probably chalk/glue (not tested)
- thin
- the panel was fitted in the engaged frame when the grund was applied. Wood shrinkage on both panels along the right edge has caused a continuous split along the barb, this has shifted 2 mm into the pictorial plane. The barb is minimally split at the top and bottom along the edge of the frame.
- incised lines are in part visible along the inner edge of the frame
- no imprimatura
- the figures are loosely sketched with a quill by a competent draughtsman
- faintly visible to the naked eye under some parts of the flesh paint
- no alterations in the painted version except in the position of eve's right eye, body parts like hands, arms and feet are in some places somewhat larger in the painted version.
- no evidence that the design was transferred
Paint Layers and Gilding
- background: dark grey underpaint under the black paint layer
- the composition was initially laid in with different grey admixtures on the white ground. The background was initially painted with a cool, opaque dark grey, leaving the the figures, the trees and the ground in reserve. Streaky, grey washes were in part employed for the initial layer of the trees and the ground, the areas of shadow in the flesh paint were also executed with a thin greyish-brown wash. flesh tones were applied over this employing a semi-transparent paint. Finally highlights, contours and fine lines were added. The hair, the trees and the ground were laid in with monochrom semi-opaque brown admixtures. Afer drying the shadows were indicated with brown tones and in part blended, fine lines and fleeting grey highlights were added last.
- brush application, glazes, almost graphic isolated and linear highlights
- small to smallest size brush
- examination under the stereomicroscope showed that the engaged frame was finished after the panel had been painted. Thin black lines (executed witha pointed brush) run along the inner edge of the frame and cover small particles of gold attached to the painted surface. See photograph.
- original
- hardwood
- engaged frame with a sill. Dimesions when open: 34.4 x 31.0 x 1.5 cm; when closed: 34.4 x 15.0/15.1 x 3.1 cm; Corner joins top: overlapping on the reverse, mitred at the front; bottom (sill): overlapping on the reverse, mortise and tenon on the front; Finish: original black coating on the reverse and along the outer edges. Front: flute blue, the narrow flat section, the rebate and the sill gilded. the original hinge and nails have been preserved, the clasp has not survived (marks from the clasp are visible on the vertical external sides.
[Museum der bildenden Künste, 11.06.2014]