Altarpiece from the parish church 'Unser Lieben Frauen', Kemberg [inner wing, right]: The  Resurrection (interior); Sodom and Gomorrha or Lot and his Daughters (exterior)

Altarpiece from the parish church 'Unser Lieben Frauen', Kemberg [inner wing, right]: The Resurrection (interior); Sodom and Gomorrha or Lot and his Daughters (exterior)


Altarpiece from the parish church 'Unser Lieben Frauen', Kemberg [inner wing, right]: The Resurrection (interior); Sodom and Gomorrha or Lot and his Daughters (exterior)

[cda 2019]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[Danz, Wolff 2016, 125]


the Resurrection


Sodom und Gomorrha with Lot and his daughters

Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop


Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop

[Danz, Wolff 2016, 125]

Production date

Production date


[dated on the inner left wing]

Signature / Dating

Artist's insignia on the left inner wing panel on a sheet of paper held by Matthias Wankel in his right hand: 'Aeta, 54, 1565', with the winged serpent beneath

Signature / Dating

  • Artist's insignia on the left inner wing panel on a sheet of paper held by Matthias Wankel in his right hand: 'Aeta, 54, 1565', with the winged serpent beneath

  • [Thulin 1955, 111]

Stadtkirche Unser Lieben Frauen zu Kemberg
Stadtkirche Unser Lieben Frauen zu Kemberg
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • 1565 commissioned for the parish church ' Unser Lieben Frauen' in Kemberg (choir)
  • 1994 altarpiece damaged and partly destroyed in a fire
    (right inner wing destroyed)
    [Danz, Wolff 2016, 125]


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Danz, Wolff 2016
AuthorKaroline Danz, Diana Wolff
TitleDas Retabel von Lucas Cranach d. J. in der Stadtkirche zu Kemberg (1565)
Publicationin Elisabeth Rüber-Schütte, ed., Lucas Cranach in Sachsen-Anhalt
SeriesKleine Hefte zur Denkmalpflege
Place of PublicationHalle
Year of Publication2016
Rüber-Schütte 2016 124-136
EditorElisabeth Rüber-Schütte
TitleLucas Cranach in Sachsen-Anhalt
SeriesKleine Hefte zur Denkmalpflege
Place of PublicationHalle
Year of Publication2016
  • Altarpiece from the parish church 'Unser Lieben Frauen', Kemberg [inner wing, right]: The Resurrection (interior); Sodom and Gomorrha or Lot and his Daughters (exterior), 1565


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Technical studies

2016Technical Examination


Original frame: Renaissance elements and acanthus vines, as well as trumpeting angels above the fixed wings. The predella was flanked by pilasters with ionic capitals. The top was decorated with a finial with two putti holding the electoral coat of arms. [only fragments survive]

[Danz, Wolff 2016, 125]

Conservation History

Date04. 2015 - 05. 2015

Conservation treatment

[Danz, Wolff 2016, 126-136]

  • conservation treatment by Diana Wolff
  • conservation treatment by Karoline Danz

Date1998 - 2002

Treatment was carried out in the conservation studio of the Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (LDA)

[Danz, Wolff 2016, 126]

  • conservation treatment by Gabriele Georgi
  • conservation treatment by Kathrin Brinz

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<author's name>, 'Altarpiece from the parish church 'Unser Lieben Frauen', Kemberg [inner wing, right]: The Resurrection (interior); Sodo…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
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