[Manuscript] Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony writes from Weimar to his father Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony a few days after the imperial ban imposed over the elector and members of the Schmalkaldic League. He informs his father that Lucas Cranach the Younger [evidently to order] had sent him a number of printed and decorated letters patent for the elector and post for his father Lucas Cranach the Elder. Duke Johann Wilhelm sends the letters patent and the covering letter by courier to his father, as well as the post for Lucas Cranach the Elder who is presumed to be with the elector.

[Manuscript] Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony writes from Weimar to his father Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony a few days after the imperial ban imposed over the elector and members of the Schmalkaldic League. He informs his father that Lucas Cranach the Younger [evidently to order] had sent him a number of printed and decorated letters patent for the elector and post for his father Lucas Cranach the Elder. Duke Johann Wilhelm sends the letters patent and the covering letter by courier to his father, as well as the post for Lucas Cranach the Elder who is presumed to be with the elector.

Archival Document

Production date
1546 July 24
Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar
Location / Date
Weimar, the Saturday after St Mary Magdalene's day 1546, July 24
Ernestinisches Gesamtarchiv, Reg. I pag. 751-765 BB Nr. 1, Bl. 57r, v


  • Ernestinisches Gesamtarchiv, Reg. I pag. 751-765 BB Nr. 1, Bl. 57r, v

Persistent Link
  • [Manuscript] Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony writes from Weimar to his father Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony a few days after the imperial ban imposed over the elector and members of the Schmalkaldic League. He informs his father that Lucas Cranach the Younger [evidently to order] had sent him a number of printed and decorated letters patent for the elector and post for his father Lucas Cranach the Elder. Duke Johann Wilhelm sends the letters patent and the covering letter by courier to his father, as well as the post for Lucas Cranach the Elder who is presumed to be with the elector., 1546 July 24


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[Bl. 57r]
D[oktor] Basilius, D[oktor] Schneidwein
Kintliche lieb vnd gehorsam zuvor hochgeborner furst, gnediger lieber her vnd vater, e[uer] g[naden] geb ich hirmit zuerkennen, das necht[lich] vor dat[um] [23.07.1546] zwene boten von Wittemberg mit zweien bundlen gedruckter vnd ausgestrichner wapenbrief durch den jung[en] Lucas maler, sambt einer nebenschrifft an seinen vater haltend anher geg[en] Weymar komen, dieweil aber der alt Lucas nit alhie gewesen noch auch ich oder die Reth derhalb[en] einichen befehl gehabt. So habe ich doch dieselb annehmen lassen, auch neb[en] den rethen vor guth angesehen vnd befohlen, das dieselb[en] e[uer] g[naden] furderlich zugeschickt werd[en] soltenn vnd derhalb[en] den einen Wittenbergisch[en] neb[en] sonst einem andern e[uer] g[naden] hoff bot[en] mit solch[en] zweien bundlen zu e[uer] g[naden] abfertig[en] lassen, vnd wollen hiemit ich vnd die rhet e[uer] g[naden] vns freuntlich vnd vndertheniglich befohlen haben. Dat[um] Weymar vnter e[uer] g[naden] radt sigill, sonnabent nach Marie Magdalene 1546
[Unterschrift] Johans Wilhelm

[Adressat] An den churf[ürsten] zu Sachss[en] s[einer] g[naden] hern vater
[Bl. 57v]
Ausgesuchter wapenbrieff von Wittenberg anher geschickt von dem jung[en] Lucas mahler, welche dem alten herrn von h[errn] Johans Wilhelm und den Weimarisch[en] rethen ferner ins lag[er] zugeschickt werdenn, sonnabent nach Marie Magdalene 1546, 24 julii

Transcription by
Lücke, Dietrich; Lücke, Monika
Transcription Date

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<author's name>, '[Manuscript] Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony writes from Weimar to his father Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony a few day…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, https://lucascranach.org/en/DE_ThHStAW_EGA_Reg-I_751_1_57r_v/ (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
Entry with no author
'[Manuscript] Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony writes from Weimar to his father Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony a few day…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, https://lucascranach.org/en/DE_ThHStAW_EGA_Reg-I_751_1_57r_v/ (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})

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