Christ crowned with thorns

Christ crowned with thorns


Christ crowned with thorns

[cda 2017]

Painting on limewood


Painting on limewood

[Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017,171, No. 80]

This devotional image in the tradition of a vera icon, depicting the head of Christ with the crown of thorns against a black background, was conceived to be viewed close-up. The crown of thorns occupies the upper third of the pictorial space and each thorn Christ had to endure during

This devotional image in the tradition of a vera icon, depicting the head of Christ with the crown of thorns against a black background, was conceived to be viewed close-up. The crown of thorns occupies the upper third of the pictorial space and each thorn Christ had to endure during his martyrdom is worked-up with minute attention to detail and convincing plasticity. Moreover the pale red blood of the wounds underlines the Redeemer¿s passion. Unusually intimate is the feature of the slightly open mouth that shows a veristic representation of the teeth. Certain details in the composition are in motion like the slight turn of the face to the left and the gaze in the opposite direction, which create the impression of a snap-shot. The highlights on the drops of blood and in the pupils lend the small image a powerful spatial presence. In the practice of faith a concentration on the Passion of Christ is central for any form of devotion to the passion. The extreme singularization of the crown of thorns suggests that the painting was probably created within a context associated with the Elector Friedrich the Wise¿s collection of relics in Wittenberg. A thorn from the crown was among the objects and had already entered Saxony by the 14th century as a gift from the French king Philip VI. The infrared reflectograph shows that a different composition was initially planned for the panel as lines clearly define two males in profile.

[Horký, Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017,171, No. 80]

Lucas Cranach the Elder


Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017,171, No. 80]

Production date
about 1520-1525

Production date

about 1520-1525

[Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017,171, No. 80]

Dimensions of support: 27.5 x 20.7 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 27.5 x 20.7 cm

  • [Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017,171, No. 80]

Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels


Inscriptions and Labels

Inscriptions, Badges:

  • None

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


Frankfurt 2007/2008, No. 59
Basel 2016, No. 19
Düsseldorf 2017, No. 80


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017 171 No. 80
EditorGunnar Heydenreich, Daniel Görres, Beat Wismer
TitleLucas Cranach der Ältere. Meister - Marke - Moderne. [anlässlich der Ausstellung "Cranach. Meister - Marke - Moderne", Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, 08. April 2017 - 30. Juli 2017]
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2017
Exhib. Cat. Basel 2016 26-27 19
AuthorBodo Brinkmann, Katharina Georgi
EditorKunstmuseum Basel
TitleArchäologie des Heils. Das Christusbild im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert
Place of PublicationBasel
Year of Publication2016
Müller 2010 65, 66 Fig. 10
AuthorMatthias Müller
Title"Menschen so zu malen, daß sie erkannt werden und zu leben scheinen" Naturnachahmung als Problem in Lucas Cranachs höfischer Porträtmalerei
Publicationin Matthias Müller, ed., Apelles am Fürstenhof. Facetten der Hofkunst um 1500 im Alten Reich Exhib. Cat. Coburg 2010
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication2010
Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt 2007 238-239 59
EditorBodo Brinkmann
TitleCranach der Ältere, [Frankfurt, Städel Museum, 23 Nov 2007 - 17 Feb 2008]
Place of PublicationOstfildern
Year of Publication2007
  • Christ crowned with thorns, about 1520-1525


Compare images
  • overall
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Technical studies

2017Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • irr



- an underdrawing of the present image is not readily visible

An abandoned composition is visible showing a bearded man in profile opposite a woman


- fluid, black medium, brush


- relatively detailed and freehand underdrawing

- thin lines


- initial design for another composition; the lines define the main contours, describe essential details and facial features; no representation of volume with hatching strokes


- the panel was evidently reused



Lucas Cranach the Elder or workshop

[Sandner, Heydenreich, Smith-Contini, cda 2017]

  • photographed by Ingo Sandner
  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich

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