The penitent St Jerome

The penitent St Jerome


The penitent St Jerome

[cda 2019]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[Detail photo of the Auct.-Cat. Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, no. 27]

In a mountain setting the saint is shown kneeling before a crucifix, while an uprooted tree keeps the viewer at a distance. As a penitent and a hermit he has put aside the accoutrements associated with his position as cardinal, the red cloak and wide-brimmed hat and cloak. He beats

In a mountain setting the saint is shown kneeling before a crucifix, while an uprooted tree keeps the viewer at a distance. As a penitent and a hermit he has put aside the accoutrements associated with his position as cardinal, the red cloak and wide-brimmed hat and cloak. He beats his bare chest with a stone and his attribute - the lion - lies beside him.

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder


Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder

[cda 2019]

Production date
about 1515 - 1525

Production date

about 1515 - 1525

[cda 2019]

Dimensions of support: 33.3 × 22 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 33.3 × 22 cm

  • [Detail photo of the Auct.-Cat. Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, no. 27]

Signature / Dating


Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • 1938 in the Reiner collection, Amsterdam
  • 19(??) auctioned by Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, lot no. 27
    [detail photo in: Auct. Cat. Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, lot no. 27]

Research History / Discussion

A panel in a private collection [PRIVATE_NONE-P104] and this panel, formerly in Amsterdam are by far the smallest preserved panels, representing the subject of St Jerome in a landscape. It is evident in many details that in quality they differ from the other versions. For example St Jerome’s hands are less coherent and the arrangement of the folds in the red cloak and white loincloth are less convincing. The quality of the figure of Christ on the other painting is particularly striking and yet the landscape of the Amsterdam version appears to be executed with more attention to detail e. g. the branches on the rocky outcrop and the foliage. However, the abrasion of the paint layers in this area on [P104] must be taken into account as much of the fine detail has been lost

It cannot conclude that this painting was the model for [P104] from the comparison of both versions. The hands both in the underdrawing and in the painted version are more convincingly executed than in the Amsterdam version. It cannot therefore be excluded that [P104] was the model for this painting. However, in this context the uprooted tree in the foreground must also be considered.. While its roots clearly lead to a horizontal trunk the truck is hardly recognizable on the other painting. Therefore it cannot be excluded that another image served as a model for both paintings.

[unpublished examination report G. Heydenreich, 2008]

  • The penitent St Jerome, about 1515 - 1525


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