Sibylle von Cleve

Sibylle von Cleve


Sibylle von Cleve

[cda 2020]

Painting on oak

A half-length portrait of Sibylle of Cleve in three quarter profile, facing to her right with her arms folded in front of her. She is wearing a black gown with a stiff collar and embroidered decorative elements. A white pleated blouse with an embroidered hogh ruff collar is visible beneath.

A half-length portrait of Sibylle of Cleve in three quarter profile, facing to her right with her arms folded in front of her. She is wearing a black gown with a stiff collar and embroidered decorative elements. A white pleated blouse with an embroidered hogh ruff collar is visible beneath. Her hair is tucked under an embroidered snood, which is covered by a black beret set at an angle and decorated with feathers. The embroidery on her collar and the band of the snood feature parts of her motto ‘Alles in Ehren’. Some small accessories complete her attire: a pendant with precious stones as well as two linked chains around her neck and various rings.

[cda 2020]

Workshop of Lucas Cranach the Younger
Lucas Cranach the Elder and workshop


Workshop of Lucas Cranach the Younger
Lucas Cranach the Elder and workshop

with participation by Lucas Cranach the Younger [letter from D. Koepplin to Galerie Jan Krugier, Geneva, 24.09.1988; Koepplin Archive]
(The above attribution by Koepplin probably refers to this painting; cda 2024)

Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Production date

Production date



Dimensions of support: 21 x 14.5 cm


Signature / Dating

Artist's insignia at the bottom right: serpent with elevated wings, facing left and dated '1535'

Signature / Dating

  • Artist's insignia at the bottom right: serpent with elevated wings, facing left and dated '1535'

Inscriptions and Labels
  • around the sitter's collar: 'AL IN ER [N] // IN EREN'
  • on the band of her bonnet:
    'IN EREN'

Inscriptions and Labels

Inscriptions, Badges:

    • around the sitter's collar:
  • 'AL IN ER [N] // IN EREN'

    • on the band of her bonnet:
  • 'IN EREN'

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • formerly in the collection of Grazioso Enea Lanfranconi
  • sold by Lempertz, Cologne, 21-23.10.1895, lot 39
    [Auct. Cat. Köln 1895, no. 39]
  • Arnold van Buuren, Amsterdam
  • His sale ('Collections Arnold van Buuren'), Amsterdam, A. Mak, 27.05.1925, lot 26 (as Lucas Cranach the Elder)
  • in the collection of the present owner's family before 1945
  • thence by descent
  • sale Sotheby's, London 06.07.2023, lot 112
    [Sotheby's online, accessed 20.11.2024]


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Auct. Cat. Amsterdam 1925 15 026 Pl. 26
EditorA. Mak, Amsterdam
TitleCollections Arnold van Buuren,Tableaux Anciens; Antiquites / Sale Catalogue for the A. Van Buuren Collection of Old Master Paintings and Antiquities [Amsterdam, A. Mak, 26/27.05.1925]
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
Year of Publication1925
Auct. Cat. Cologne 1895 11, 12 039 Illustrated
AuthorJ. M. Heberle (H. Lempertz Söhne)
TitleKatalog der ausgezeichneten Gemälde-Galerie des zu Pressburg verstorbenen Herrn Grazioso Enea Lanfranconi ... : hervorragende Gemälde meist von vorzüglichen Meistern aller Schulen vom XIII. - XIX. Jahrh. ; Versteigerung zu Köln a. Rh. ... den 21. bis 23. October 1895 ... durch J. M. Heberle (H. Lempertz' Söhne) [J. M. Heberle, Cologne]
Place of PublicationCologne
Year of Publication1895

Research History / Discussion

Secondary sources occasionally confuse this painting with [PRIVATE_NONE-P550]

[cda 2022]

  • Sibylle von Cleve, 1535


Compare images
  • overall
  • overall
  • reverse

Condition Reports


Examined for the Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Day Auction, sotheby's, London 06.07.2023:

"The panel is uncradled, flat, stable and bears bevels on each of the margins on the reverse. The paint surface is covered in a layer of old, dry and slightly yellow varnish. The paint surface is generally well preserved, particularly in the minute details of the dress and face. There is some evidence of discoloured retouchings and rubbing in the background, particularly in the bottom right corner. Inspection under ultraviolet light reveals very minor and sensitive retouching focused in the background. Overall the work is in good condition."

[Sotheby's online, accessed 20.11.2024]

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