Royalty standing in front of a Church Building

Royalty standing in front of a Church Building


Royalty standing in front of a Church Building

[cda 2021]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[cda 2021]

At the righthand side of the painting a group of aristocratic figures appear to exit from a church building that occupies the greater part of the pictorial space. They turn to a man in a gown, evidently a minister, who is holding a large book under his arm (the bible)

At the righthand side of the painting a group of aristocratic figures appear to exit from a church building that occupies the greater part of the pictorial space. They turn to a man in a gown, evidently a minister, who is holding a large book under his arm (the bible) and pointing at it. In the background at the left there is a figure shown with a stick and a lion, possibly Samson. Beside him a field of corn appears to be burning, a possible reference to Judges 15:5 or Exodus 22:6(?).

[cda 2021]

Lucas Cranach the Younger


Lucas Cranach the Younger

[Recorded on the glass plate negative, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, photographic archive]

Production date

Production date



Dimensions of support: no information available


  • Dimensions of support: no information available

Signature / Dating

Dated at the bottom right: '1581'

Signature / Dating

  • Dated at the bottom right: '1581'

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • property of Mrs Lucia Göhring 1937
    [Recorded on the glass plate negative, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, photographic archive]

Research History / Discussion

The painting appears to have been in Berlin in 1937 and may therefore have been considered for the Cranach exhibition, but was not included in the final selection.

[cda 2021]

  • Royalty standing in front of a Church Building, 1581


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