An Ill-matched Pair

An Ill-matched Pair


An Ill-matched Pair

[cda 2023]

Painting on beech


Painting on beech

[Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

The painting depicts an old man on the right and a young woman in courtly attire in front of him on the left. The old man has placed his right hand on the woman’s waist and furtively puts gold coins in her left hand with his other hand. Many variants

The painting depicts an old man on the right and a young woman in courtly attire in front of him on the left. The old man has placed his right hand on the woman’s waist and furtively puts gold coins in her left hand with his other hand. Many variants of the subject of the Ill-matched Pair were painted by Cranach and his workshop. However, here the reversed position of the protagonists differs from the standard composition.

[cda 2023]

Monogrammist HS
Heinrich Vogtherr


Monogrammist HS

probably Henricus Satrapitanus (Heinrich Vogtherr ?) [Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

Heinrich Vogtherr

probably Henricus Satrapitanus (Heinrich Vogtherr ?) [Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unveröffentlichter Untersuchungsbericht, 19.03.2023]

Production date
about 1530 - 1535

Production date

about 1530 - 1535

[Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

Dimensions of support: 49.5 x 31.2 x 0.6 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 49.5 x 31.2 x 0.6 cm

  • [Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels

On the reverse of the panel: - in pen (pale pink): '- ok [?]', bluish-grey: '1', '880[…]8'

  • in …

Inscriptions and Labels

Stamps, Seals, Labels:

  • On the reverse of the panel: - in pen (pale pink): '- ok [?]', bluish-grey: '1', '880[…]8'

    • in ink?: '[…]zis.' [partially covered over]
  • [Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • Senger, Bamberg (2023)
    [Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

Research History / Discussion

Disscussion of the examination results

The dimensions of the beech wood panel do not correspond to any of the standard formats commonly used in Cranach's workshop. The pigments found were used in the early modern period as well as in more recent times. The presence of lead tin yellow suggests that painting was completed before 1750 or after 1940. Not all pigments could be identified.

The signature differs stylistically from works by Lucas Cranach the Elder and his sons.

The composition and the painterly execution resemble works signed or attributed to the monogrammist HS, including:

In addition, the following works (which have not yet been examined) also exhibit stylistic similarities:

The initials HS could refer to Henricus Satrapitanus, as the artist Heinrich Vogtherr preferred to call himself. Whether this group of works and the present painting were in fact painted by Heinrich Vogtherr requires further investigation. Based on the results of this examination, we consider this painting of The Ill-matched Pair to be the work of the monogrammist HS, a pupil of Lucas Cranach the Elder, possibly Henricus Satrapitanus (Heinrich Vogtherr?). The painting was probably not created in Cranach's workshop, but at the painter's new place of work.

It seems plausible that the painting was completed about 1530-35, and dendrochronological examination could provide further clarification.

[Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023]

  • An Ill-matched Pair, about 1530 - 1535


Compare images
  • overall
  • overall
  • reverse
  • irr
  • x_radiograph
  • uv_light
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail

Technical studies

19.03.2023Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Stereomicroscopy
  • Infrared reflectography
  • UV-light photography
  • X-radiography
  • Instrumental material analysis


Methods of examination: stereomicroscope, XRF analysis (Thermo Scientific - Niton XL3t GOLDD+), X-radiography (Oehm and Rehbein, Leonardo/ Varex-Perkin Elmer XRPad2 4336), UV-light, Infrared reflectography (Osiris 900 – 1700 nm)

- a single wooden board (appears to be beech); c. 0.6 cm thick

- a tool was used to carefully smooth the reverse

- fibres were attached to the reverse along the left edge at the top and below the centre of the panel

- the panel has been chamfered along the right edge at the bottom

Ground and Imprimatura

- a thin white ground application, probably containing some lead white

- a barb is present on all four sides, suggesting the panel was fixed in an engaged frame (which hasn't survived) when the ground was applied

- under the microscope a pink layer is visible at the edge of the painting; this is probably an imprimatura containing red lead


A distinctive underdrawing is visible in the infrared reflectogram executed in a black fluid medium with a brush. The detailed composition appears to be a competent freehand drawing. Numerous minor diviations are visible between the underdrawing and the final painted version. Moreover in some areas thinner lines are evident that were probably carried out using a dry drawing material (pen). This is probably the inital design that preceded the underdrawing with the brush.

Paint Layers and Gilding

XRF analysis was used to detect the following elements and by comparing their optical characteristics the pigments were identified:

Flesh paint: Pb, Ca, Fe, Hg, Mn (Zn)

Pb: lead white; Ca: chalk/ gypsum (?); Fe/ Mn: iron oxide/ ochre (?); Hg: vermilion; Zn: zinc white/ retouching / siccative (?)

Eye (white): Pb, Ca, Fe, Mn

Pb: lead white; Ca: chalk/ gypsum (?); Fe/ Mn: iron oxide/ ochre (?)

Lip (red): Pb, Ca, Hg, Fe, Mn

Pb: lead white; Ca: chalk/ gypsum (?); Hg: vermilion; Fe/ Mn: iron oxide / ochre (?)

Yellow/signature: Pb, Cu, Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn, (Sn?/Sb?)

Pb: lead white; Cu: blue with copper content/ siccative (?); Ca: chalk/ gypsum (?); Fe/ Mn: iron oxide/ochre (?); Zn: zinc white (?); Pb/Sn: lead tin yellow (?); Pb/Sb: Naples yellow (?)

The following pigments were identified in the paint layers: lead white, vermilion and iron oxide.

The results of the XRF analysis we not sufficient to distinguish between zinc and antimony in the yellow paint used for the date and signature because the paint layer was too thin. It could therefore contain either lead tin yellow, which would support a production date before 1750, or naples yellow, which would confirm a date after 1750.

For the greater part the artist used opaque paint applied with a brush in numerous layers.

[Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023] (translated from German, cda 2023)

Condition Reports


The panel is slightly damaged, but in a stable condition.


  • the original size and thickness has been preserved

  • on the reverse there is some loss of wood at the bottom of the left edge and in the top corner

  • a split running vertically through the centre of the panel has been glued and appears stable

  • the panel is slightly warped

Paint layers:

  • the paint layers are in a stable condition

[Blumenroth, Heydenreich, unpublished examination report, 19.03.2023] (translated from German, cda 2023)

Citing from the Cranach Digital Archive

Entry with author
<author's name>, 'An Ill-matched Pair', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
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'An Ill-matched Pair', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})

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