Portrait of Lucretia Freifrau von Berlepsch, geb. von Schleinitz

Portrait of Lucretia Freifrau von Berlepsch, geb. von Schleinitz


Portrait of Lucretia Freifrau von Berlepsch, geb. von Schleinitz

[cda 2022]

Painting on limewood

Half-portrait with the sitter leaning slightly to the left, facing the beholder. She is wearing a black coat with ermine border on top of a golden garment and a white ruff. Around her neck a gold chain with a pendant showing the entwined letters 'C.S.' with a drop-shaped pearl. Her

Half-portrait with the sitter leaning slightly to the left, facing the beholder. She is wearing a black coat with ermine border on top of a golden garment and a white ruff. Around her neck a gold chain with a pendant showing the entwined letters 'C.S.' with a drop-shaped pearl. Her head covered with a pearl-embroidered hair net, she is wearing a black velvety cap, richly decorated with gold ornaments and embellished with a chain of mounted semi-precious stones.

[see Hampel auctions online database, accessed 13.01.2023]

Lucas Cranach the Younger


Lucas Cranach the Younger
Production dates
about 1580

Production dates

about 1580

[cda 2023]


[dated, not authentic]

Dimensions of support: 50.6 × 41 cm


Signature / Dating

Artist's insignia top left: serpent with elevated wings (not genuine)

Signature / Dating

  • Artist's insignia top left: serpent with elevated wings (not genuine)

Inscriptions and Labels

top left: 'S.F.Z.A.G.B.G.Z.S./AETATIS 38 ANNO 1562'
(according to Ludwig Meyer later addition)

[Hampel auctions online database, accessed …

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • Johann Heinrich von Gerstenbergk-Helldorf Edler von Zech, Bergsulza b. Bad Sulza / Thüringen (until 1944)
  • collection Julius Böhler, Munich (after 1944)
  • Heinz Kisters, then Cologne, later Kreuzlingen (since 1946),
  • thereafter private collection
  • 9.12.2011 Hampel fine art auctions, Munich, lot 266
    [Hampel auctions online database, accessed 13.01.2023]

Research History / Discussion

The close-up representation and the face with its natural, life-like expression are very much in keeping with the style of Cranach the Younger.

The small picture was painted from life and served as the basis for a much larger portrait by Lucas Cranach the Younger, which is now in the church of Klein–Urleben near Langensalza/ Thüringen.[1]

Expertise, Ludwig Meyer, 04.11.2011:

'Taking all aspects into consideration, including the wonderful execution of the small panel, it is without doubt an original work by Lucas Cranach the younger, and definitely should be published.' „Alle Umstände, zusammen mit der erlesenen Ausführung des kleinen Tafelbildes, geben mit die Gewissheit, dass ein Original des Lucas Cranach d.J. vorliegt. Es sollte unbedingt publiziert werden.“

[Hampel auctions online database, accessed 13.01.2023]

[1] The portrait is the property of Ev. Kirchgemeinde St. Marien, Kleinurleben and is currently with the Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha [DE_SMG-KMK_NONE-002].

  • Portrait of Lucretia Freifrau von Berlepsch, geb. von Schleinitz, about 1580


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