The Virgin and Child

The Virgin and Child


The Virgin and Child

[cda 2023]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[Handwritten on a page from the auction catalogue, Koepplin Archive]

The Virgin is depicted as a half-length figure set against a dark background free from distracting landscape elements with the exception of a small window at the top right, showing a mountainous landscape with a lake. She holds the infant Christ who stands on the parapet supported by one leg.

The Virgin is depicted as a half-length figure set against a dark background free from distracting landscape elements with the exception of a small window at the top right, showing a mountainous landscape with a lake. She holds the infant Christ who stands on the parapet supported by one leg. On his knee he balances an apple, and eats a grape from the bunch offered to him by his mother. A glass of water and an apple feature prominently as a meaningful still life in the foreground.

[cda 2023]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder
Lucas Cranach the Elder


Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder

[D. Koepplin, handwritten on a Galerie Fischer auction catalogue (Lucerne, 25.11.1972); Koepplin Archive];
Lucas Cranach the Elder or his Workshop [Auct. Cat. Lucerne 1972, lot 2355; Koepplin Archive]

Lucas Cranach the Elder

or workshop? [Auct. Cat. Lucerne 1972, lot 2355; Koepplin Archive]

Production date
about 1535 - 1540 or later

Production date

about 1535 - 1540 or later

[cda 2023]

Dimensions of support: 85 x 60 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 85 x 60 cm

  • [Handwritten on the auction catalogue; Koepplin Archive]

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • 25.11.1972, Auction house, Galerie Fischer, Lucerne, lot 2355
    [Photocopy of a page from the auction catalogue, Koepplin Archive]

Research History / Discussion

Different versions of the composition are known: one in Washington [US_NGA_1953-3-1], where a window showing a landscape was inserted in the top right corner. A similar copy – of lesser quality – in a private collection [PRIVATE_NONE-P415]. Another copy, without the apple and glass in the foreground, and slightly smaller in dimensions is now in a museum in Warsaw [PL_MNW_MOb2154] and a slightly smaller version (with the apple and the glass, but without the landscape) in the Sammlung Fürth.

[cda 2023]

  • The Virgin and Child, about 1535 - 1540 or later

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