Venus and Cupid

Venus and Cupid


Venus and Cupid

[Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

Painting on lime(?)wood, laminated to a masonite board

[Osten 1983, 282, no. X135]

Venus standing in profile, covering herself with a transparent

veil, with a Cupid holding an arrow at her feet.

[Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

Monogrammist HS
Master HB (with a griffin's head)


Monogrammist HS

possibly Henricus Satrapitanus (Heinrich Vogtherr?) [cda 2022]

Master HB (with a griffin's head)

[Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022] [Cat. Minneapolis 1970, 341] [Kühnel-Kunze 1960]

Hans Brosamer

? [Kühnel-Kunze 1960]

Hans Baldung Grien

[M. C. R. 1956, 55-56] [Curjel 1924, 762-766]

Hans Sebald Beham

associated with, on the basis if monogram [Osten 1983, 283, no. X135]

Heinrich Vogtherr

possibly Henricus Satrapitanus (Heinrich Vogtherr?) [cda 2022]

Production date
about 1529

Production date

about 1529

[see research history/discussion, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

Dimensions of support: 81.7 x 25.7 x 0.7 cm (support); 80.6 × 23.8 cm (sight); 80.3 x 24.2 cm (painted area)


  • Dimensions of support: 81.7 x 25.7 x 0.7 cm (support); 80.6 × 23.8 cm (sight); 80.3 x 24.2 cm (painted area)

  • Dimensions including frame: 99.1 × 43.2 × 8.9 cm

  • [Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

Signature / Dating

Monogramm 'HS' on the stone base at the bottom left [cda 2022]

Signature / Dating

  • Monogramm 'HS' on the stone base at the bottom left [cda 2022]

  • 'Signed on the stone base bottom left HSB (linked)' [Osten 1983, 282, no. X135]

Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • ? collection, England; by 1921 on the art market in Berlin [1]
  • Dr. Ehrenfest, Vienna, Austria
  • Hans Purrman, Berlin, Germany by 1925
  • Walter Ochsenbein, Zurich, Switzerland by 1956; [2]
    (Richard F. Zinser, Forest Hills, New York)
  • sold to MIA in 1956 (The John R. Van Derlip Fund)
    [1] '1921 in Berliner Handel.' [Osten 1983, 282, no. X135]
    [2] Letter from Walter Ochsenbein in object file regarding payment for painting mentioning Zinser.
    [Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]


Berlin 1925, no. 18
New York 1957
Vancouver 1964, no. 16


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Osten 1983 282, 283 X135 pl. 207
AuthorGert von der Osten
TitleHans Baldung Grien. Gemälde u. Dokumente
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1983
Cat. Minneapolis 1970 340, 341 181 Fig. p. 340
EditorMinneapolis Institute of Arts
TitleCatalogue of European Paintings in The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
Place of PublicationMinneapolis
Year of Publication1970
Exhib. Cat. Vancouver 1964 018
EditorThe Vancouver Art Gallery
TitleThe Nude in Art, [Vancouver, The Vancouver Art Gallery 1964]
Place of Publication[Vancouver]
Year of Publication1964
Cat. Kühnel-Kunze 1960
AuthorIrene Kunze
TitleHans Brosamer und der Meister HB mit dem Greifenkopf. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Brosamer-Forschung.
JournalZeitschrift des deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft
IssueXIV, 1960
Year of Publication1960
Bulletin MIA 1957 5 Fig. p. 27
Authorn. a.
JournalThe Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Year of Publication1957
Exhib. Cat. New York 1957
EditorM. Knoedler & Co., New York
TitlePaintings and Sculpture from The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, [New York, Knoedler Galleries; Palm Beach, Florida, The Society of the Four Arts, 1957]
Place of Publication[New York]
Year of Publication1957
The Art Quarterly 1957 95
Authorn. a.
TitleAccessions of American and Canadian Museums, January-March, 1957
JournalThe Art Quarterly
Issue20, no. 2 (Summer 1957)
Year of Publication1957
M. C. R. 1956 illus. cover (detail) and p. 56.
AuthorM. C. R.
TitleA Late Panel Painting by Hans Baldung Grien
JournalThe bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Year of Publication1956
Hugelshofer 1932
AuthorWalter Hugelshofer
TitleNachträge zur Baldung
JournalOberrheinische Kunst
Year of Publication1932
Baldass 1926 20, fn. 18
AuthorLudwig Baldass
TitleDer Stilwandel im Werke Hans Baldungs
JournalMünchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst
Year of Publication1926
Exhib. Cat. Berlin 1925 11 018
AuthorWilhelm von Bode
EditorKaiser Friedrich-Museums-Verein Berlin
TitleGemälde Alter Meister aus Berliner Besitz [Akademdie der Künste, Berlin]
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1925
Friedländer 1925 73f.
AuthorMax J. Friedländer
TitleReview 'Hans Baldung Grien' von Curjel
JournalJahrbücher für Kunstwissenschaft
Year of Publication1925
Buchner 1924 287, 300
AuthorErnst Buchner
TitleBuchkritik: Hans Curjel, Hans Baldung Grien, Munich 1923
Publicationin Buchner, ed. Oberdeutsche Kunst der Spaetgotik und Reformationszeit. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Kunst
VolumeVol. I
Place of PublicationAugsburg
Year of Publication1924
Link 0303
Curjel 1924
AuthorHans Curjel
TitleHans Baldung Grien
Year of Publication1924
Curjel 1923 115 153 Fig. p. 65
AuthorHans Curjel
TitleHans Baldung Grien
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication1923

Research History / Discussion

The figure of Venus is closely related to a profile figure of a woman in Albrecht Dürer’s treatise on human proportion ,Hierinn sind begriffen vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion.' Nuremberg: Hieronymus Andreae Formschneider for the widow Dürer, October 31, 1528

[, accessed 17.03.2023]

[Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

'Dated to about 1529 based on the date of publication of Albrecht Dürer’s treatise on human proportion: Hierinn sind begriffen vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion. Nuremberg: Hieronymus Andreae Formschneider for the widow Dürer, October 31, 1528'

[Minneapolis Institute of Arts, revised 2022]

  • Venus and Cupid, about 1529


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