St Catharine [recto, left wing]
The Virgin (left half of a nativity scene] [verso, left wing]

St Catharine [recto, left wing] The Virgin (left half of a nativity scene] [verso, left wing]


St Catharine [recto, left wing] The Virgin (left half of a nativity scene] [verso, left wing]

[Kunsthistorisches Museum, revised 2013]

Painting on spruce wood (Picea sp.)
The panel has a ground and paint application on both sides.


Painting on spruce wood (Picea sp.)
The panel has a ground and paint application on both sides.

[Kunsthistorisches Museum, revised 2013]

Recto: St Catharine of Alexandria is depicted as a full-length figure standing in front of a rose arbour. In her right hand she holds a sword, supported on the ground and her other attribute the wheel fitted with blades can be seen directly behind. At the bottom edge of the

Recto: St Catharine of Alexandria is depicted as a full-length figure standing in front of a rose arbour. In her right hand she holds a sword, supported on the ground and her other attribute the wheel fitted with blades can be seen directly behind. At the bottom edge of the painting the small figure of a white bearded man with a sceptre and an ermine cloak is visible, probably Emperor Maximinus who sentenced St Catharine to martyrdom.

On the verso is the left half of a nativity scene: the Virgin kneels, beside her an angel is praying. The annunciation to the shepherds and the star of Bethlehem are visible in the background above the ruinous, classical style stable architecture.

[Kunsthistorisches Museum, revised 2013]

Monogrammist HS
Heinrich Vogtherr


Monogrammist HS

? [Henricus Satrapitanus?; possibly Heinrich Vogtherr d. Ä.; cda 2023]

Heinrich Vogtherr

? [Henricus Satrapitanus?; possibly Heinrich Vogtherr d. Ä.; cda 2023]


Attributed to: a saxon artist
[Kunsthistorisches Museum, revised 2013]

Circle of Lucas Cranach the Younger

'[...] stehen - eine nähere kritische Untersuchung vorbehalten - den Arbeiten Lucas Cranachs des Jüngeren nahe.'
[Gustav Glück, curator at the Gemäldegalerie, on 9.7.1907; Gemäldegalerie archive, KHM Z.252/1907]

Circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder

'aus der Schule Kranach's'
[Ilg 1873, 46]

Production date
about 1530

Production date

about 1530

[Kunsthistorisches Museum, revised 2013]

Dimensions of support: 144.1 (l.) 144.3 (r.) x 40.3 (t.) 40.5 (b.) cm


  • Dimensions of support: 144.1 (l.) 144.3 (r.) x 40.3 (t.) 40.5 (b.) cm

  • Dimensions of painted surface: 141,8 x ca. 38.5 cm

  • [Technologische Untersuchung, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2011]

Signature / Dating


Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • first mentioned as part of the furnishings for the knights castle (Rittergruft) built under Emperor Franz I. within the grounds of Laxenburg castle.
    [Ilg 1873, 46]; [Leitner 1978, 23]

  • 1907 brought to the conservation department of the Kunsthistorische Hofmuseum for restoration.
    [KHM, Gemäldegalerie archive, Galerieakten Z.252/1907]

  • 1922 entered in the inventory of the Gemäldegalerie of the KHM
    [KHM, Gemäldegalerie archive , Galerieakten Z.18/1922]

[Kunsthistorisches Museum, revised 2013]




Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Leitner 1878 23
AuthorQuirin Ritter von Leitner
TitleMonographie des kaiserlichen Lustschlosses Laxenburg
Place of PublicationVienna
Year of Publication1878
Ilg 1873 46
AuthorAlbert Ilg
TitleKunsthistorische Bemerkungen und Beiträge, gesammelt in Wien und auf Wanderungen in Niederösterreich
JournalBerichte und Mittheilungen des Alterthums-Vereins zu Wien
IssueJg. XIII
Year of Publication1873
  • St Catharine [recto, left wing] The Virgin (left half of a nativity scene] [verso, left wing], about 1530


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