Beheading of St Catherine

Beheading of St Catherine


Beheading of St Catherine

[Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, No. 41]

Painting on softwood


Painting on softwood

[cda 2014]

St Catharine kneels at the right edge of the painting and patiently awaits the thrust of the henchman's sword. He has grasped the back of the saint's head with his left hand and raised his right arm to strike. In the middle-ground a group of men debate behind a wall,

St Catharine kneels at the right edge of the painting and patiently awaits the thrust of the henchman's sword. He has grasped the back of the saint's head with his left hand and raised his right arm to strike. In the middle-ground a group of men debate behind a wall, another man is visible in the background in a wood. At the top edge the celestial fire is indicated and on the right edge St Catharine's shattered martyr wheel is visible.

[Görres, cda 2014]

Master IW


Master IW

[Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, no. 41]

Production date

Production date



Dimension of support: 150 x 117 [Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, no. 41]


  • Dimension of support: 150 x 117 [Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, no. 41]

  • Dimensions of painted surface: 148.5 x 115 cm [cda 2014]

  • Dimension including frame: 155 x 120 cm [Oblastní muzeum Litomerice]

Signature / Dating

Date on stone '1544'

Signature / Dating

  • Date on stone '1544'

  • [cda 2014]

Oblastní muzeum Litomerice (Regional Museum Litomerice)
Severoceská galerie výtvarného umení, Litomerice (North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts, Litomerice)
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • Most likely from the parish Church Of All Saints in Litomerice (see inventory Church of All Saints 1633 (AM Ltm, Spiritualia, 1633, no. 61-62)
  • supposedly displaced 1850
  • 1886 purchased from a private collection in Dresden by the Diocesan Museum in Litomerice (inv no. SV 348)
  • Since November 1, 1956 in the North Bohemian Gallery in Litomerice
    [Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, no. 41]


Prague 2005, no. 41


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005 140, 142, 143, 146, 148 (English version 52-55) 41 Pl. p. 143
EditorObrazárna Pražského hradu, Kaliopi Chamonikola
TitlePod znamením okrídleného hada. Lucas Cranach a ceské zeme. Under the winged Serpent. Lucas Cranach and the Czech Land
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2005
Kybalová 1996 A 269
AuthorLudmila Kybalová
TitleDejiny odívárú. Renesance
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication1996
Exhib. Cat. Litomerice 1993 43 103
AuthorLadislav Kesner
TitleMistr IW. Galerie Výstarného Umení Litomeríce
Place of PublicationLitomerice
Year of Publication1993
Cat. Litomerice 1983 unpaged
AuthorOtakar Votocek
TitleSeveroceská galerie výtvarného umeni v Literomericich. Sbírka starého umeni - Strucný pruvoce a katalog vystavených del
Place of PublicationLitomerice
Year of Publication1983
Cat. Litomerice 1964 A 7 5
Authorn. a.
TitleUmení restauratorské
Place of PublicationLitomerice
Year of Publication1964
Cat. Litomerice 1964 B 13 33
Authorn. a.
TitleKatalog vystavených obrazú a plastik Oblastní galerie výtvarného umení v Litomericích
Place of PublicationLitomerice
Year of Publication1964
Cat. Prague 1964 16, 30, 69
AuthorJaromír Homolka, Ladislav Kesner
TitleCeské umení gotické. Sbírka starého umení Narodni galerie v Praze
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication1964
Votocek 1961 22
AuthorOtakar Votocek
TitleK oprave a puvodu obrazu Litomerického Mistra
JournalZpávy parnátkové péce
Year of Publication1961
Pesina 1958 B 88 364
AuthorJaroslav Pešina
TitleObraz sv. Antonia Porestevnica od Lucas Cranacha st.
Year of Publication1958
Votocek 1957 19-21
AuthorOtakar Votocek
TitleDeskové malby a plastiky 16. stoleti v Litomerické krajské galerii
JournalZpávy parnátkové péce
Year of Publication1957
Pešina 1950 85, 132 395
AuthorJaroslav Pešina
TitleCeská malba pozdní gotiky a renesance. Deskové malírství 1450-1550
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication1950
Cat. Litomerice 1948 9, 16 17
Authorn. a.
TitleUmení trí dob
Place of PublicationLitomerice
Year of Publication1948
Opitz 1930 76
AuthorJosef Opitz
TitleDie Galerie des Stiftes Ossegg
SeriesNordwestböhmische Heimatbücher
Place of PublicationKomotau
Year of Publication1930
Exhib. Cat. Brüx 1928 59 232
AuthorJosef Opitz
TitleGotische Malerei und Plastik Nordwestböhmens
Place of PublicationBrüx-Komotau
Year of Publication1928
Opitz 1928 274
AuthorJosef Opitz
TitleZwei Jahrhunderte gotischer Malerei und Plastik Nordwestböhmens (1350-1550)
Place of PublicationEger [Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe]
Year of Publication1928
Luksch 1920 no pagination
AuthorVinzenz Luksch
TitleTopographie der historischen und Kunst-Denkmale im politischen Bezirke Leitmeritz, Teil I., Stadt Leitmeritz/ Soupis historických a umeleckých památek v politickém okresu Litomerice, díl I., Mesto Litomerice
Place of PublicationLitomerice
Year of Publication1920
  • Beheading of St Catherine, 1544


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Technical studies

06. 2014Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
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- fluid, black medium and brushes of varying widths; among others facial features were probably executed employing a small pointed brush


- detailed freehand underdrawing

- thin to broader lines

- hatching-strokes (in the brocade)


- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours, indicate the essential details and describe facial features; hatching-strokes only in the brocade to represent volume


- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define form; small changes



- Master IW

[Smith, Sandner, Heydenreich, cda 2014]

  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
  • photographed by Ingo Sandner

Date06. 2014


Coniferous wood, several planks aligned vertically

[cda 2014]

Conservation History


  • conservation treatment by E. Votocková

Date1957 - 1958

  • conservation treatment by B. Slánský
  • conservation treatment by L. Slánská


The panel was straightened up, cleaned and conserved

[Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, No. 41]

  • conservation treatment by B. Slánský

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