Fragment of a Hunting Scene

Fragment of a Hunting Scene


Fragment of a Hunting Scene

[Wartburg-Stiftung revised 2013]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[cda 2013]

Painting on poplar

[Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015, 358, no. 3/33]

The fragment depict several hunting scenes within a river landscape: a group of bears chased by hounds, deer crossing the river on the run, a mounted hunter with a pike. In the foreground water springs from a stone while the background shows a city and a castle on a rock

The fragment depict several hunting scenes within a river landscape: a group of bears chased by hounds, deer crossing the river on the run, a mounted hunter with a pike. In the foreground water springs from a stone while the background shows a city and a castle on a rock formation. The latter were identified as the city of Torgau and the Castle Hartenfels [see Exhib. Cat. Eisenach, 1996, no. 141]. In the distance, another rock formation can be seen.

[Görres, cda 2013]

Lucas Cranach the Younger


Lucas Cranach the Younger

[Wartburg-Stiftung revised 2013]
[Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015, 358, no. 3/33]

Production date
about 1570

Production date

about 1570

[Wartburg-Stiftung revised 2013] [Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015, 358, no. 3/33]

Dimensions of support: 47.4 x 30.4 x 2.3 cm (fragment)


  • Dimensions of support: 47.4 x 30.4 x 2.3 cm (fragment)

  • [cda 2013]

Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels

on the reverse: - upper part, in black paint: '665 MC'

  • central left:
    [...] Landsbergerstraße'

[Görres, cda 2013]

Inscriptions and Labels

Stamps, Seals, Labels:

  • on the reverse: - upper part, in black paint: '665 MC'

    • central left:
  • 'Hauptzollamt

  • [...] Landsbergerstraße'

  • [Görres, cda 2013]

Federal Republic of Germany
Wartburg-Stiftung, Eisenach
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • with Ernst Heinrich Zimmermann, former director of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin[1]
  • formerly Kisters Collection, Kreuzlingen
  • on permanent loan from the Federal Republic of Germany
    [1][Noted on a glass negative, smbGG Photographic Archive, 2021]


Eisenach 1996, no. 141
Wittenberg 2015, no. 3/33


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Wittenb 2015 B 358 3/33 Fig. p. 359
EditorRoland Enke, Jutta Strehle, Katja Schneider
TitleLucas Cranach der Jüngere - Entdeckung eines Meisters, Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Augusteum, 26 June - 1 November 2015
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2015
Exhib. Cat. Eisenach 1996 215-216 141
EditorWartburg-Stiftung, Eisenach, Jutta Krauß
TitleAller Knecht und Christi Untertan. Der Mensch Luther und sein Umfeld. Katalog der Ausstellungen zum 450. Todesjahr
Place of PublicationEisenach
Year of Publication1996
Exhib. Cat. Basel 1974/1976 205, 248 155
AuthorDieter Koepplin, Tilman Falk
TitleLukas Cranach. Gemälde, Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik
Volume1, 2
Place of PublicationBasel, Stuttgart
Year of Publication1974
Zimmermann E. H. 1941 31-36
AuthorErnst Heinrich Zimmermann
TitleEin zerstörtes Jagdbild L. Cranachs d. J.
JournalZeitschrift des deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft
Year of Publication1941

Research History / Discussion

Torgau, the residential city of the electors’ of Saxony is visible in the background of this hunting scene. However, the topography has been considerably altered: the electors’ castle rises above the city on a rocky outcrop, whereas in reality it is on the same level as the city. The visual distinction idealises the position of the electors and refers to the office of the royal huntsman claimed by the Albertine branch. Torgau had already established the position of the Ernestine branch as the first hunters in the empire and the Albertine branch followed this representational strategy.

[Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015, 358, no. 3/33]

  • Fragment of a Hunting Scene, about 1570


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Technical studies

02. 2013Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • irr



- dry, black drawing material, dark chalk, stylus; in some areas a fluid medium and brush (animals) may have been used


- freehand underdrawing

- delicate fine lines to somewhat broader lines


- only partially binding for the final painted version; lines define the main contours; no representation of volume with hatching-strokes


- minor corrections were made to the forms during the painting process; various smaller and larger changes (e.g. the representation of the animals in the background on the hill; the area to the left in the sky was initially conceived somewhat differently, as was the background and foreground on the left



- Lucas Cranach the Younger?

[Sandner, Smith-Contini, Heydenreich, cda 2016]

  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
  • photographed by Ingo Sandner

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