Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)

Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)


Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)

[cda 2017]

Painting on limewood


Painting on limewood

[Brigitte Reineke, DHM, 2015/2016]

A bust-length portrait of Philipp Melanchthon as a scholar against a greenish grey background. He is wearing a fur-trimmed cloak, and beneath this a bright red shirt under which a white shirt with a ruffled collar is visible. The sitter is facing left. He holds a precious looking leather bound

A bust-length portrait of Philipp Melanchthon as a scholar against a greenish grey background. He is wearing a fur-trimmed cloak, and beneath this a bright red shirt under which a white shirt with a ruffled collar is visible. The sitter is facing left. He holds a precious looking leather bound book with gilded decoration in his hands.

[Brigitte Reineke, DHM, 2015/2016]

Werkstatt Lucas Cranach der Jüngere


Werkstatt Lucas Cranach der Jüngere

[Deutsches Historisches Museum, revised 2016]

Production date

Production date



Dimensions of support: 87 x 64.4 x 2.8 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 87 x 64.4 x 2.8 cm

  • Dimensions of the painted surface: 85.9 (85.5) x 64.4 cm

  • Dimensions including frame: 100.5 x 79 x 9.5 cm (glazed)

  • [Deutsches Historisches Museum, revised 2016]

Signature / Dating

Artist's insignia at the right centre above the left shoulder of the sitter: winged serpent; in black impasto paint

Signature / Dating

  • Artist's insignia at the right centre above the left shoulder of the sitter: winged serpent; in black impasto paint

  • [Brigitte Reineke, DHM, 2015/2016]

Inscriptions and Labels
  • on the window ledge, in black paint:

Inscriptions and Labels

Inscriptions, Badges:

    • on the window ledge, in black paint:


    • on the book cover, within the boarders of the decoratation (upsidedown):
  • '¿P¿M¿ [/] 1 5 6 8'

  • [Brigitte Reineke, DHM, 2015/2016]

Stamps, Seals, Labels:

  • Reverse of the support: - at the top edge, centre:

  • an adhesive label, handwritten in black ink (Sütterlin-Handschrift): 'Lindenholz [/] 33'

  • [Brigitte Reineke, DHM, 2015/2016]

Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


1993 purchased from a private collection
[Brigitte Reineke, DHM, 2015/2016]


Berlin 2009, No. II.17


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Minneapolis 2016 44
EditorStiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt, Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Morgan Library & Museum
TitleMartin Luther. Schätze der Reformation [Minneapolis Institute of Art, 10.2016-01.2017, Minneapolis, Minnesota; The Morgan Library & Museum, 10.2016-01.2017, New York; Pitts Theology Library der Emory University, 10.2016-01.2017, Atlanta, Georgia]
Place of PublicationDresden
Year of Publication2016
Exhib. Cat. Berlin 2012 14
EditorStiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
TitleIm Atelier der Geschichte. Gemälde bis 1914 aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Historischen Museums [Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, 25 Octr 2012 - 21 April 2013]
Place of PublicationDresden
Year of Publication2012
Exhib. Cat. Berlin 2009 B II. 17
EditorAnsgar Reiß, Sabine Witt
TitleCalvinismus. Die Reformierten in Deutschland und Europa [Deutsches Historisches Museum, 01.04 - 19.07.2009]
Place of PublicationDresden
Year of Publication2009
Cat. Berlin 1997 57
AuthorLeonore Koschnick, Heidemarie Anderlik
EditorStiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
TitleBilder und Zeugnisse der deutschen Geschichte. Aus den Sammlungen des Deutschen Historischen Museums
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1997
  • Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560), 1568


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Technical studies

02. 2015Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Identification of wood species / Dendrochronology

optical assessment and radial/tangential section examined employing transmitted light microscopy

  • analysed by Mathias Lang
  • analysed by Ulrike Hügle
  • analysed by Martina Homolka
  • analysed by Antje Liebers

02. 2015Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • irr
  • photographed by Mathias Lang

02. 2015Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • X-radiography
  • x_radiograph
  • x_radiograph
  • x_radiograph

[Christoph Schmidt, Gemäldegalerie Berlin; Feb. 2015]

  • created by Christoph Schmidt

02. 2015Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • UV-light photography
  • uv_light
  • photographed by Ulrike Hügle

02. 2015Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Instrumental material analysis

Pigment identification employing X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy [see attached pdf]

At all the points measured lead was detected (probably a lead based pigment in the ground or the imprimatura).

Grey: 1,11 (background): lead white, probably carbon black, copper based pigment

Red: 4,5 (flesh paint: cheeks, lips): some vermilion, lead white; 7 (shirt): vermilion, lead white, possibly some lake (microscopy)

Blue 2 (coat of arms): prussian blue (therefore applied after 1706)

White: 8,13 (collar, underpainting) lead white

Yellow: 3 (inscription): orpiment (therefore probably later); 12 (book): lead-tin-yellow

Brown: 9 (fur): probably ochre

Black: 6,10 (collar, coat) probably carbon black (inscription): probably carbon black, copper based pigment

Gound: 10 (exposed white ground): a lot of calcium (probably a chalk ground)

[Jens Bartoll/SPSG Berlin, Feb. 2015]

  • analysed by Jens Bartoll

2014 - 2016Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • X-radiography
  • UV-light photography
  • Stereomicroscopy
  • Instrumental material analysis
  • Identification of wood species / Dendrochronology
  • reverse
  • reverse
  • irr
  • uv_light
  • conservation



The wooden panel is up to 8 mm thick at the edges. The total thickness is 2.8 cm. The panel consists of five vertically aligned boards (the wood grain is vertical). The x-radiograph shows that the planks were glued together with butt-joins. The planks are tangentially cut and exhibit diagonally aligned annual rings. Heartwood was joined to sapwood. Viewed from the front the heartwood is on the left side of all planks and the sapwood on the right.

The width of each board is as follows (from left to right):

board 1: 8.8 (top); 9.8 cm (bottom)

board 2: 12.2 cm (top); 12.2 cm (bottom)

board 3: 20.9 cm (top); 20.9 cm (bottom)

board 4: 13.8 cm (top); 14.2 cm (bottom)

board 5: 9.5 cm (top); 7.3 cm (bottom)

On the lower half of the painting at the left edge there are two knots one above the other that were neither removed nor covered during the production of the panel. The reverse of the painting exhibits rather coarse tooling marks. There are numerous troughs of varying widths running vertically, horizontally and diagonally from left to right across the joins. These may result from the use of a block plane. The widest are 2 cm. The wooden panel exhibits a rebate with a maximum width of 2 cm on all four sides. The width of the rebate ranges between about 1.5 cm and 1.8 cm. It has a chamfered edge.

Ground and Imprimatura

The ground application is a white chalk admixture. An imprimatura containing lead white was probably applied over this. The x-radiograph shows white stripy brushstrokes applied diagonally from left to right running counter to the painted forms. In raking light these brushstrokes are also visible on the surface in the area of the coat and the background. A barbe is only present at the top and the bottom edges of the panel. It is slightly raised towards the edge. At the bottom edge of the painting there are traces of original paint lying directly on the bare wood.


Examination employing infrared reflectography revealed the relatively fine black lines of the underdrawing, which was probably executed with a pointed black drawing implement. In some sections these lines are visible with the naked eye, which is probably due to the increased transparency of the paint caused by the lead white content. This affects the face where lines indicate the eyes, the nose, the mouth and the wrinkled forehead, but is also evident in the hands where in addition to the outlines some hatching strokes within the form are visible. Furthermore a detailed underdrawing in the area of the frilled collar is also visible. The underdrawing is relatively binding for the final painted version.

Paint Layers and Gilding

PIGMENTS: (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy)

At all the points measured lead was detected (probably a lead based pigment in the ground or the imprimatura).

Grey: 1,11 (background): lead white, probably carbon black, copper based pigment

Red: 4,5 (flesh paint: cheeks, lips): some vermilion, lead white; 7 (shirt): vermilion, lead white, possibly some lake (microscopy)

Blue 2 (coat of arms): prussian blue (therefore applied after 1706)

White: 8,13 (collar, underpainting) lead white

Yellow: 3 (inscription): orpiment (therefore probably later); 12 (book): lead-tin-yellow

Brown: 9 (fur): probably ochre

Black: 6,10 (collar, coat) probably carbon black (inscription): probably carbon black, copper based pigment

Gound: 10 (exposed white ground): a lot of calcium (probably a chalk ground)

The artist probably employed tempera paint. Fine cracks in the upper paint layer are visible in the dark background and the coat. They are relatively wide and slightly raised and appear to have developed during the drying process of a water-based binding medium with high glue content. In other areas impasto suggests the use of a binding medium with a higher ratio of oil. There is a thin, transparent yellowish brown layer over the white imprimatura. In the darker areas of shadow a more dense paint application was added before continuing. This created the underlayer for the outer areas of shadow in the flesh paint, the hair and the fur. The artist may have wished to give the cooler grey background a warmer, greenish tone. This layer of underpaint could not be found in other areas of the painting when examined under the stereomicroscope. Subsequently the artist applied the flesh paint and executed the gown. The painted contours of the background overlap – with the exception of minor corrections – the figure and were therefore added afterwards. Then the window ledge at the bottom edge was completed. The area for the hair was held in reserve while the background paint was applied. Later highlights in the form of thin, impasto light grey and white hair strands were applied over the base tone. They were painted over the background and in the case of the beard over the flesh paint. Similarly the yellowish brown, thicker layer of underpaint in the area of the fur was held in reserve while the gown was completed. The fine hairs of the fur were then applied over the black paint of the gown. In the greenish grey background lead white and carbon black as well as copper based pigments were detected employing x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Under the stereomicroscope isolated yellow pigments are also visible. Unusually the pigment smalt - frequently employed by Lucas Cranach the Younger in backgrounds - was not detected in any form on this painting. A light layer of yellow paint creates the block shape of the book. The cover consists of a reddish white pigmented layer over which the decoration was applied with white highlights. The window ledge which runs parallel to the bottom edge exhibits the following paint sequence: at the bottom is a cream coloured layer; above this along the edge a dark strip containing numerous red pigments creating a pinkish tone that articulates perspective. The inscription painted in black was added last. The varnish is not original.

It can be confirmed that the painting CDA.DE_DHM_Gm93-80 ‘Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)‘ corresponds the use of material and technique with its pendant CDA.DE_DHM_Gm93-79 ‚Martin Luther (1483-1546)’.


previous frame (no longer used), but not original frame: wood, oil gilding (silver), yellowish brown coating

present frame: profiled battens, the base is pine wood with attached cherry wood battens and stained verneer.

Dimensions of the present frame: 100 x 78 x 9.5 cm (glazed)

  • examined by Mathias Lang
  • examined by Ulrike Hügle

Condition Reports


  • reverse
  • reverse
  • uv_light
  • conservation
  • conservation


The wooden panel exhibits a slight convex warp. The greatest distance between the reverse and the contact surface is 3.1 cm. The exit holes visible on the reverse of the panel are evidence of old woodworm damage. Furthermore at the bottom left and right corners damage and material loss in the panel has exposed channels beneath a remaining thin layer of wood and the paint surface.

In addition the support exhibits the following damage:

  • some losses in the wood along the edges

  • 3 dents in the support at the centre of the top edge and a further dent in the wood at the top left

  • some vertical splits at the left and left of centre at the top edge

  • 1 vertical split running down from the right eyebrow; beneath this and further to the left another vertical split in the region of the fur

  • 1 angled split at the bottom left edge that runs from the top right to the bottom left and from there further to the bottom right (on the reverse of the panel a knot is visible at each branch of the split)

Having been locked away for a considerable time the painting smelt strongly of incense when unpacked and removed from the climate box.

Paint layers:

The adhesion of the ground and paint layers is generally good. There are isolated small losses and a fine network of cracks has developed over the entire surface. The vertical cracks corresponding to the direction of the grain are more prominent than the horizontal ones. The paint layers are abraded in many areas, but particularly in the dark areas rich in binding medium (gown, fur, background). Retouches that have discoloured to varying degrees are mostly visible in areas of old damage (split). There are also some smaller and larger matt areas and fine scratches in the varnish. This has already yellowed slightly causing the originally slightly cooler tonality to shift to a more yellowish one. The abrasion provides evidence that the painting has undergone at least one varnish removal. The painting currently has two varnish layers. The first a relatively thin layer lies directly on top of the painted surface. Later a thicker varnish was applied over the entire surface. Its glassy appearance suggests it may be a synthetic resin. It is not visible at the edge of the painting and was probably applied while the paint was still in its frame. In UV-light old retouches are visible between the two varnish layers.

  • examined by Mathias Lang
  • examined by Ulrike Hügle

Conservation History

Date03. 2003

After purchase only preventative measures were carried out in the Deutsches Historisches Museum. There is no documentation available regarding earlier interventions.

03/2000: treatment with nitrogen

[Deutsches Historisches Museum, revised 2016]

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