St Ursula (Leys Schütz?)

St Ursula (Leys Schütz?)


St Ursula (Leys Schütz?)

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25b]

Painting on limewood


Painting on limewood

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25b]

'[...] On the pendant is St Ursula, a combination frequently chosen by Albrecht for other altarpieces, [...] Once again the antitype shows St Ursula, who in this painting wears a neckband with an inscription, which underlines the close relationship between both sitters (see [DE_SPSG_ GKI9370_FR-none]).'

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No.

'[...] On the pendant is St Ursula, a combination frequently chosen by Albrecht for other altarpieces, [...] Once again the antitype shows St Ursula, who in this painting wears a neckband with an inscription, which underlines the close relationship between both sitters (see [DE_SPSG_ GKI9370_FR-none]).'

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25]

Simon Franck
Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder


Simon Franck

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25b] [Emmendörffer 1998, 217]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Exhib. Cat. Halle 2006, no. 92B]

Production dates
1524 (?)
about 1500 - 1547

Production dates

1524 (?)

Franz Joseph Bodmann draws the figure of St Ursula (Ley Schütz?) in 1800 und notes down on the drawing a dating 1524. Cf. Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, no. 26.
[cda 2012]

about 1500 - 1547

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25b]

about 1524

[Emmendörffer 1998, 217] [Exhib. Cat. Halle 2006, no. 92B]

Dimensions of support: 121 x 56.5 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 121 x 56.5 cm

  • [Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, no. 25b]

Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels

in the halo.

Inscriptions and Labels

Inscriptions, Badges:

  • in the halo.


Museen der Stadt Aschaffenburg
Stiftsmuseum Aschaffenburg
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • [the panels] are probably originally from Halle
  • in 1800 the panels in the cathedral treasury of Mainz and were auctioned in 1801
  • 1954 acquired from a private collection
    [Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25b]


Halle 2006, no. 92B


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007 283-286 No. 25b Fig. p. 284
EditorGerhard Ermischer, Andreas Tacke
TitleCranach im Exil. Aschaffenburg um 1540. Zuflucht - Schatzkammer - Residenz. Ausstellungskatalog Schloss Johannisburg und Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication2007
Merkel 2007 A 78 Fig. 1
AuthorKerstin Merkel
TitleDie Konkubinen des Kardinals - Legenden und Fakten
Publicationin Gerhard Ermischer, Andreas Tacke, eds., Cranach im Exil, Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication2007
Exhib. Cat. Halle 2006 190, 193 092B Pl. p. 193
EditorThomas Schauerte
TitleDer Kardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg. Renaissancefürst und Mäzen. Bd. 1: Katalog
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication2006
Emmendörffer 1998 216, 217 Fig. 22.13
AuthorChristoph Emmendörffer
TitleDie selbständigen Cranachschüler
Publicationin Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds., Unsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen, Exhib. Cat. Eisenach
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Cat. Aschaffenburg 1994 107
AuthorIngrid Jenderko-Sichelschmidt, Markus Marquart, Gerhard Ermischer
TitleStiftsmuseum der Stadt Aschaffenburg
SeriesBayerische Museen
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication1994

Research History / Discussion

'[...] The historian J. Bodmann from Mainz thought he recognized Albrecht’s lover, who he called Rehdingerin, in the pendant figure of St Ursula. This was a combination frequently chosen by Albrecht for other altarpieces. Out of this hypothesis there developed a persistent legend concerning one Ursula Rehdinger (variant forms of spelling), who was purported to be Albrecht’s concubine. This was relegated to the realm of myth by Kerstin Merkel. However, it is conceivable to interpret the figure as a historical person, namely Albrecht’s partner, Leys Schütz. This assumption is supported by a small diptych showing Albrecht as St Erasmus [...] Once again the antitype shows St Ursula, who in this painting wears a neckband with an inscription, which underlines the close relationship between both sitters. (see [DE_SPSG_ GKI9370_FR-none]).'

[Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, 283, No. 25]

Franz Joseph Bodmann draws the figure of St Ursula (Leys Schütz?) in 1800 und notes down on the drawing a dating 1524. Cf. Exhib. Cat. Aschaffenburg 2007, No. 26.

[Görres, cda 2012]

  • St Ursula (Leys Schütz?), 1524 (?)


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Technical studies

06. 2012Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
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- fluid, black medium and brush; initial design executed with diluted medium


- detailed and freehand underdrawing

- predominantly thin lines with some broader lines in the draperies

- hatching-strokes


- binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and describe the essential details and the facial features; representation of volume (hatching-strokes)


- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define form (e.g. boats in the background; face)



- Simon Franck/Master of the Mass of St Gregory?

[Smith, Sandner, Heydenreich, cda 2013]

  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
  • photographed by Ingo Sandner

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