Portrait of Georg (?) and Katharina (?) of Ebeleben [from the Nikolaus of Ebeleben bible, Libri in membr. impr. fol. 15, IIIv]

Portrait of Georg (?) and Katharina (?) of Ebeleben [from the Nikolaus of Ebeleben bible, Libri in membr. impr. fol. 15, IIIv]


Portrait of Georg (?) and Katharina (?) of Ebeleben [from the Nikolaus of Ebeleben bible, Libri in membr. impr. fol. 15, IIIv]

[cda 2015]

Painting on parchment


Painting on parchment

[cda 2015]

The sheet is from an edition of the Lutheran bible printed in four volumes on parchment in 1561 for Nikolaus von Ebeleben [Libri in membr. impr. fol. 12-15] and is located together with a portrait of the eldest daughter and the family coat of arms at the beginning of the

The sheet is from an edition of the Lutheran bible printed in four volumes on parchment in 1561 for Nikolaus von Ebeleben [Libri in membr. impr. fol. 12-15] and is located together with a portrait of the eldest daughter and the family coat of arms at the beginning of the fourth volume.

The sheet shows the two youngest children of the family. Troschke 1939, 26-27 identifies them with the unconfirmed names Georg (left) and Katharina (right). Both children wear the same clothes and are holding hands. The boy holds an apple in his hand and the girl holds grapes. Only the red feathered plume on the boy¿s hat and the hair wreath worn by the girl serve to identify their gender. Both stand against a blue background on a heavily vegetated ground.

The composition is framed by a boarder gilded with gold leaf. This encompasses an empty text field beneath the double portrait.

[Görres, cda 2015]

Lucas Cranach the Younger


Lucas Cranach the Younger

[Fliege 1998, 262]

Production date

Production date


[Portrait of Luther dated]

Dimensions of support (parchment sheet): 37.5 x 25 cm


  • Dimensions of support (parchment sheet): 37.5 x 25 cm

  • [Willing-Stritzke in Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015, 390]

  • Dimensions of painted surface: 30 x 18 cm

  • [Troschke 1939, 27]

Signature / Dating

None. The portrait of Luther in the first volume [Libri in membr. impr. fol. 12, fol. Ir] is signed and dated at the left next to the shoulder: winged serpent with dropped wings, facing left and dated '1562'; in gold

Signature / Dating

  • None. The portrait of Luther in the first volume [Libri in membr. impr. fol. 12, fol. Ir] is signed and dated at the left next to the shoulder: winged serpent with dropped wings, facing left and dated '1562'; in gold

  • [cda 2015]

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Abt. Historische Drucke
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link

Connected Works


  • the edition of the bible containing this sheet was commissioned by Nikolaus von Ebeleben and belonged to him
  • 1581: after the death of Ebeleben in 1579 the greater part of his library went to Dr. Johann Stromer from Auerbach in Leipzig; a small part remained the property of the family
  • sold to the electoral library (Kurfürstliche Bibliothek), which later became the state library in Berlin (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
    [Fliege 1998, 282-285]


  • Berlin 1996 (first volume only)
  • Wittenberg 2015, No. 3/48


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015 385, 390 3/48
EditorRoland Enke, Jutta Strehle, Katja Schneider
TitleLucas Cranach der Jüngere - Entdeckung eines Meisters, Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Augusteum, 26 June - 1 November 2015
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2015
Willing-Stritzke 2015 142-144
AuthorNadine Willing-Stritzke
TitleDie Prachtbibeln Cranachs des Jüngeren
Publicationin Roland Enke, Katja Schneider, Jutta Strehle, eds., Lucas Cranach der Jüngere - Entdeckung eines Meisters, Exhib. Cat. Wittenberg 2015
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2015
Kunde 2006 A
AuthorHolger Kunde
TitleDer Nachlaß eines sächsischen Bibliophilen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Neue Quellen zum Leben des Nikolaus von Ebeleben
Publicationin Enno Bünz, ed., Bücher, Drucker, Bibliotheken in Mitteldeutschland. Neue Forschungen zur Kommunikations- und Mediengeschichte um 1500
SeriesSchriften zur sächsischen Geschichte und Volkskunde
Place of PublicationLeipzig
Year of Publication2006
Fliege 1998
AuthorJutta Fliege
TitleDie Bibel des Nikolaus von Ebeleben im Besitz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
JournalMitteilungen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
IssueN.F. 7, no. 2
Year of Publication1998
Exhib. Cat. Berlin 1996
AuthorJutta Fliege, Karla Faust, Andreas Wittenberg
TitleMartin Luther 1483-1546. Ausstellung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 29 Feb. - 13 Apr. 1996
Place of PublicationWiesbaden
Year of Publication1996
Troschke 1939 B 25-28 11
AuthorAsmus von Troschke
TitleMiniaturbildnisse von Cranach d. J. in Lutherbibeln
JournalZeitschrift des deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft
Year of Publication1939
  • Portrait of Georg (?) and Katharina (?) of Ebeleben [from the Nikolaus of Ebeleben bible, Libri in membr. impr. fol. 15, IIIv], 1562


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