Epitaph for Hans Stahel: Resurrection of Christ [central panel]

Epitaph for Hans Stahel: Resurrection of Christ [central panel]


Epitaph for Hans Stahel: Resurrection of Christ [central panel]

[cda 2017]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[cda 2017]

The risen Christ, who is dramatically enveloped in a red coat and holds the victory banner in both hands, has vanquished death and the devil, shown here sprawled out beneath his feet as a dragon and a skeleton. This event is staged on the sealed sarcophagus that projects into the

The risen Christ, who is dramatically enveloped in a red coat and holds the victory banner in both hands, has vanquished death and the devil, shown here sprawled out beneath his feet as a dragon and a skeleton. This event is staged on the sealed sarcophagus that projects into the pictorial space. Either side of the sarcophagus the watchmen continue to sleep, while a third wearing armour slowly arouses behind the coffin. The family of the deceased kneels with their hands folded in the lower quarter of the painting and is separated from the event by a green curtain. The male group on the left is lead by Hans Stahel, identified by his coat of arms and followed by his five sons, one in armour. Two of the sons must have died in childhood and are represented here in shrouds. Both Stahel's wives kneel at the right hand side and are also identified by their family coats of arms. Five daughters, two of whom did not reach adulthood, complete the group.

[Görres, cda 2017]

Wolfgang Krodel the Elder


Wolfgang Krodel the Elder

[cda 2017]

Production date

Production date


[dated in insciption on frame]

Clear dimensions of support: 106 x 70 cm


  • Clear dimensions of support: 106 x 70 cm

  • [Kirchgemeinde St. Wolfgang, Schneeberg, revised 2017]

Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels
  • on the frame above the image:
    'Dazu Ist Christus Auch Gestorben . Und Aufferstan= / den . Und Wieder …

Inscriptions and Labels

Inscriptions, Badges:

    • on the frame above the image:
  • 'Dazu Ist Christus Auch Gestorben . Und Aufferstan= / den . Und Wieder Lebendig Worden Das Er / Uber Todte Und Lebendige Herr Sey / Zum . Röm: Am . xiiii Cap i'

    • at the bottom edge:
  • 'Gott Aber Der Den Herrn Hat Aufferweket Wirt / Uns Auch Aufferweken Durch Seine Kraft / Zum . i Cor: Am . vi . Cap . xiiii'

  • Epigram beneath the image:

  • 'Anno . 1556 Den 4 Marcii Ist Vor= / schiden der Erbar Hans Stahel //

  • Anno . 1516 Ist Verschiden Sein / Erste Hausfrau Eine Stüxin / von Nürembergk //

  • Anno . 1543 . Den 6 Septembris / Ist Vorschiden Seine Ander Haus= / frau Eine Peseler von Nürm= / berg Samt Vier Töchtern Und / Einem Sohne Den Allen Wolle / Gott Auch Eine Fröliche Auffer= / sthehung Geben Amen'

  • [Görres, cda 2017]

Ev.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde St. Wolfgang, Schneeberg
Ev.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde St. Wolfgang, Schneeberg
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link
  • Epitaph for Hans Stahel: Resurrection of Christ [central panel], 1556


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Technical studies

08. 2016Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • irr



An underdrawing is not readily visible; occasionally thin fine lines are visible (stylus?)

[Sandner, Smith-Contini, Heydenreich, cda 2017]

  • photographed by Ingo Sandner
  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich

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<author's name>, 'Epitaph for Hans Stahel: Resurrection of Christ [central panel]', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, https://lucascranach.org/en/DE_WSCH_NONE-003a/ (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
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'Epitaph for Hans Stahel: Resurrection of Christ [central panel]', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, https://lucascranach.org/en/DE_WSCH_NONE-003a/ (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})

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