The Deposition

The Deposition


The Deposition

[Exhib. Cat. Wroclaw 2017, No. 4]

The Lamentation of Christ

[Cat. Breslau 1886, 37, no. 56] [Cat. Breslau 1926, 20, no. 56]

Painting on spruce


Painting on spruce

[Exhib. Cat. Wroclaw 2017, no. 4]
[Cat. Breslau 1926, 20, no. 56]

Painting on poplar

[Cat. Breslau 1886, 37, no. 56]

This representation of the Lamentation draws on a composition conceived by Cranach the Elder for his woodcut series The Passion (c. 1509). Christ is shown at centre, surrounded by the Virgin, St John, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Joseph and two other women. The crown of thorns and three nails are illustrated

This representation of the Lamentation draws on a composition conceived by Cranach the Elder for his woodcut series The Passion (c. 1509). Christ is shown at centre, surrounded by the Virgin, St John, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Joseph and two other women. The crown of thorns and three nails are illustrated in the right foreground, while a deminutative donor figure is shown kneeling in prayer at the left. A set of keys hangs from his right arm. The figurative group is set against a landscape showing Mount Golgotha on the right and an Alpine scene beyond.

[cda 2020]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder (?)
Circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder


Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder (?)

[Exhib. Cat. Wroclaw 2017, no. 4]

Circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder

[cda 2018]

Copy after Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Cat. Breslau 1926, 20, no. 56]

German Master

[Cat. Breslau 1886, 37, no. 56]

Production date

Production date



Dimensions of support: 81 x 62 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 81 x 62 cm

  • [Exhib. Cat. Wroclaw 2017, no. 4]

Signature / Dating

Dated at the bottom left: '1516'

Signature / Dating

  • Dated at the bottom left: '1516'

  • [cda 2018]

Muzeum Narodowe we Wroclawiu
Muzeum Narodowe we Wroclawiu
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • from the monastery buildings of St Vincent and St James Cathedral, Wroclaw
  • transferred from the Royal University Cabinet of Art and Antiquities (Kunst und Antikenkabinet der Kgl. Universität) to the Silesian Museum of Fine Arts, Wroclaw
    (listed in the catalogue from 1886)
    [Cat. Breslau 1926, 20, no. 56]


Wroclaw 2017, no. 4


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Wroclaw 2017 92-94 004 Fig. p. 93
EditorEwa Houszka, Marek Pierzchala
TitleModa na Cranacha, Muzeum Narodowe we Wroclawiu, 31.10.2017-30.12.2017
Place of PublicationWroclaw
Year of Publication2017
Cat. Breslau 1926 20 56
AuthorHeinz Braune, Erich Wiese
TitleKatalog der Gemälde und Skulpturen. Schlesisches Museum der Bildenden Künste Breslau. VI Auflage
Place of PublicationBreslau
Year of Publication1926
Cat. Breslau 1886 37 056
AuthorRobert Kahl
TitleSchlesisches Museum der Bildenden Künste zu Breslau. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde
Place of PublicationBreslau
Year of Publication1886

Research History / Discussion

In the Breslau catalogue from 1926 the painting is described as a copy after 'The Lamentation' [Hollstein 21] from Cranach the Elder's woodcut series: The Passion.

[Cat. Breslau 1926, 20, no. 56]

The painting had formerly been attributed to a pupil of Dürer, and exhibits characteristics of the upper german style, especially that typical of Regensburg, while the landscape shows similarities with those of Albrecht Altdorfer.

[Cat. Breslau 1886, 37, no. 56]

  • The Deposition, 1516


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