Virgin in a Mountain Landscape

Virgin in a Mountain Landscape


Virgin in a Mountain Landscape

[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, No. 104]

Painting on wood


Painting on wood

[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, no. 104]

A half-length figure of the Virgin, seated with the infant in her arms in front of an expansive mountain landscape.

[cda 2016]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder
Lucas Cranach the Elder


Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder

[cda 2016]
[unpublished examination report Heydenreich, Gras, 02.11.2024]

Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, No. 104]

Production dates
about 1512 - 1515
about 1518

Production dates

about 1512 - 1515

[unpublished examination report Heydenreich, Gras, 02.11.2024], [expertise A. Stange, 15 June 1964] according to [Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, No. 104]

about 1518

[expertise M. J. Friedländer, 22 Sept 1938] according to [Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, No. 104]

about 1518 - 1520

[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, No. 104]

Dimensions of support: 35 x 27 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 35 x 27 cm

  • [Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, no. 104]

Signature / Dating

None. A fake insignia on the rocks at the top right was removed during conservation treatment.

Signature / Dating

  • None. A fake insignia on the rocks at the top right was removed during conservation treatment.

  • [Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, no. 104]

Inscriptions and Labels

on the reverse of the new support: - black paint: 'EK 954'

on the cradle:

  • paint: 'EK 954'
  • yellow label: '… hasenkamp …

Inscriptions and Labels

Inscriptions, Badges:

  • on the reverse of the new support:

    • black paint: 'EK 954'
  • on the cradle:

    • paint: 'EK 954'
    • yellow label: '… hasenkamp Gemälde 1/1 von: Christies Manson + Woods Hamburg, bestimmt für: Christies Manson + Woods London'
    • circular stamp
    • handwritten in pen: '1494'
  • [unpublished examination report Heydenreich, Gras, 02.11.2024]

Private Collection
Private Collection
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • Kisters Collection, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
  • Julius Weitzner, London and New York
  • private collection, Sweden
    [Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, no. 104]
  • 22.05.1986 auctioned at Lempertz, Cologne, auction 612
    [handwritten note; Koepplin Archive]


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979 91 104 104
AuthorMax J. Friedländer, Jakob Rosenberg
EditorG. Schwartz
TitleDie Gemälde von Lucas Cranach
Place of PublicationBasel, Boston, Stuttgart
Year of Publication1979

Research History / Discussion

‘Characteristics of the support and the ground, as well as the choice of materials and the painting technique employed to create the examined work suggest that the artist was familiar with the practices used in Lucas Cranach the Elder’s Wittenberg workshop between around 1512 and 1520.

The execution of the flesh paint, the robes, the mountain landscapes and foliage is similar to several versions of the Virgin created in the Cranach workshop between 1512 and 1515, which also exhibit influences from the circle of Perugino [1].

However, neither the underdrawing nor the painting shows any signs of Lucas Cranach the Elder's involvement. The insignia on the rock above the shoulder is a recent addition, but the possible reconstruction of the original cannot be ruled out.

In our estimation this painting was created in the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder around 1512-15. The unknown collaborator probably used a painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder as a prototype.’






[unpublished examination report Heydenreich, Gras, 02.11.2024] (translated from German, cda 2024)

  • Virgin in a Mountain Landscape, about 1512 - 1515


Compare images
  • overall
  • overall
  • overall
  • reverse
  • irr
  • x_radiograph
  • uv_light
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail

Technical studies

12.11.2024Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Stereomicroscopy
  • Infrared reflectography
  • X-radiography
  • UV-light photography


English summary of the original German text:

- single board, vertically aligned (35.6 x 27.2 cm), appears to be hardwood.

Ground and Imprimatura

- the panel has a white ground

- the barbe created during the ground application has been preserved on all four sides: c. 8-9 mm from the top, 5-6 mm at the right, unten c. 8-9 mm from the bottom and overlapping the panel edge on the left. This barbe indicates that the panel was in a frame during the application of the ground.


The infrared reflectogram reveals lines that were executed with a black liquid medium and a pointed brush. Contours and some detail were defined with simple or partly overlapping lines of different widths. Forms such as hands, arms, feet and faces were then modified during the painting process, and occasionally their position was shifted slightly.

Paint Layers and Gilding

The following elements were detected using XRF and the following pigments were determined based on their optical characteristics:

Yellow: Pb, Sn, Cu, Fe, Mn

Pb/ Sn: lead-tin yellow; Cu: green pigment containing copper (?); Fe/ Mn: ochre/ earth pigment (?)

Flesh paint: Pb, Ca, Hg, Fe, (Cu)

Pb: lead white; Ca/ Sr: chalk/ gypsum (?); Hg: vermilion; Fe: ochre/ iron oxide (?)

Green: Pb, Cu, Sn, Zn, Ca, Sr, (Fe)

Pb: lead white; Cu: green pigment, containing copper (?); Ca/ Sr: chalk/ gypsum (?); Pb/ Sn: Lead tin yellow; Zn: siccative ? Zinc white (retouching)?

Blue: Cu, Pb, Ca, Fe, Sr, (Zn), (Hg)

Cu: azurite; Pb: lead white; Ca/ Sr: chalk/ gypsum (?); Fe: ochre/ iron oxide (?)

Red: Ca, Hg, Pb, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr

Ca/ Sr: chalk/ gypsum (?); Hg: vermilion; Pb: lead white; Fe: ochre/ iron oxide (?); Cu: green pigment, containing copper or azurite (?); Zn: siccative, zinc white (?); Pb/ Sn: lead-tin yellow (?)

The following pigments were identified in the paint layer: lead white, lead-tin yellow, vermilion, azurite, iron oxide and a green pigment containing copper.

The paint was applied in several layers, opaque to translucent, using brushes. the flesh paint was executed with a pale admixture (containing lead white, vermilion and iron oxide) and the shadows were created by adding black (carbon black?) and brown pigments. Subsequently, volume and highlights were emphasised with lighter mixtures and shadows were graded with grey-brown paint. The different amounts of lead white are defined by a virtual relief in the X-radiograph. The red robe was painted using vermilion. The pleats (lead white) and folds are modelled using a red lake glaze. The blue coat (azurite) and the green lining (copper green) were applied over a grey underpaint.

The blue sky (lead white, azurite) was initially laid in with fine gradations of grey paint. Then blue paint was applied using both brushstrokes and by dabbing. The horizon is made brighter with the addition of lead-tin yellow (lead-tin yellow).

The green landscape in the middle ground is laid in partly in grey and partly in black, and the foliage is modelled in opaque and translucent layers using various green to yellowish admixtures. In the background the mountain landscape, the architectural features and several figures are drawn in great detail with a pointed brush. The artist used shell gold for both the haloes and the borders of the robes.

There is a wavy black line that resembles the serpent insignia on the rock above Mary's left shoulder. Under the microscope, only a more recent application of black paint imitating the insignia can be identified. No traces of a date or an original signature are visible.


The original frame has not survived.

[unpublished examination report Heydenreich, Gras, 02.11.2024] (abridged and translated from German, cda 2024)

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich
  • examined by Laura Gras

Condition Reports


English summary of the original German text:

The painting has undergone conservation treatment and is in a stable condition.


  • the original panel is stable, it has recently been thinned to c.1 mm on the reverse, glued onto a new support (7mm thick) and cradled

  • a wooden batten c. 8 mm wide has been glued to the left edge.

  • on all four sides the panel has been trimmed slightly without reducing the original size of the image.

Paint Layers

  • the x-radiograph, the infrared reflectogram and UV fluorescence image reveal considerable damage, which was reintegrated during a treatment campaign.

In both faces, but also in the robes, there are large areas of loss. The UV photograph shows several phases of treatment. An assessment of the original quality of the painting is compromised by these interventions.

[unpublished examination report Heydenreich, Gras, 02.11.2024] (abridged and translated from German, cda 2024)

Conservation History

Date - 1979

A fake insignia on the rocks at the top right was removed during a conservation treatment.

[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, no. 104]

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