The Virgin and Child

The Virgin and Child


The Virgin and Child

[Cat. Prague 2007, No. 14]

Painting on fir


Painting on fir

[Cat. Prague 2007, No. 14]
[Klein Report, 14.07.2003]

The Madonna sits on a grassy bench (situated on the left from the viewer's side, while the low wall continues on the right); the view into the landscape is in part veiled by a red drapery. The Christ Child stands on a cushion and holds an apple in his right

The Madonna sits on a grassy bench (situated on the left from the viewer's side, while the low wall continues on the right); the view into the landscape is in part veiled by a red drapery. The Christ Child stands on a cushion and holds an apple in his right hand. The other apple is in the right hand of the Madonna, analogically presented as the second Eve.

[Cat. Prague 2007, No. 14]

Master IW
Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder


Master IW

[cda 2014]
[Exhib. Cat. Prague 2016, 138, No. 18]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Cat. Prague 2007, No. 14]

Production date

Production date



Dimensions of support: 76.3 x 55.4 x 1.2 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 76.3 x 55.4 x 1.2 cm

  • [cda 2014]

Signature / Dating

Date right on wall '1525'

Signature / Dating

  • Date right on wall '1525'

  • [Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, 40, No. 14]

Inscriptions and Labels

Verso of the panel: - in red paint: 'Nro. 180' [Nostitz Inventory 1819]

  • on the frame: 'N.: 180'
  • on the …

Inscriptions and Labels

Stamps, Seals, Labels:

  • Verso of the panel: - in red paint: 'Nro. 180' [Nostitz Inventory 1819]

    • on the frame: 'N.: 180'
    • on the side of the frame, paper label with printed inscription: 'ALOD'
  • [Cat. Prague 2007, No. 14]

Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)
Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • 1819 first recorded in the Nostitz Collection
  • entered the collection of the National Gallery Prague in 1945 from the Nostitz Collection

[Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005, 40, No. 14]


Prague 2016, No. 18


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Exhib. Cat. Prague 2016 38, 132-135, 138, 139, 142, 145, 148, 151 18 Figs. pp. 38, 132, 133, 135
EditorOlga Kotková
TitleCranach. Ze všech stran. From all sides.
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2016
Görres, Heydenreich, Kotková 2016 9
AuthorOlga Kotková, Gunnar Heydenreich, Daniel Görres
Publicationin Olga Kotková, ed., Cranach. Ze všech stran. From all sides., Exhib. Cat. Prague
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2016
Cat. Prague 2007 40 14
AuthorOlga Kotková
TitleNational Gallery in Prague. German and Austrian Painting of the 14th - 16th Centuries. Illustrated Summary Catalogue II/1
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2007
Chamonikola 2005 B 27 Fig. p. 27
AuthorKaliopi Chamonikola
TitleLucas Cranach a ceské zeme/ Lucas Cranach and the Czech Lands
Publicationin Kaliopi Chamonikola, ed., Pod znamením okrídleného hada. Lucas Cranach a ceské zeme, Under the winged Serpent, Lucas Cranach and the Czech Lands, Exhib. Prague 2005
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2005
Pages13-33 (6-15)
Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005 27
EditorObrazárna Pražského hradu, Kaliopi Chamonikola
TitlePod znamením okrídleného hada. Lucas Cranach a ceské zeme. Under the winged Serpent. Lucas Cranach and the Czech Land
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2005
Kotkova 2005 B 43 (English version 19)
AuthorOlga Kotková
TitleLucas Cranach v Národní galerii v Praze- úvod k technologii obrazu/ Lucas Cranach at the National Gallery in Prague. Introduction to the painting technology
Publicationin Kaliopi Chamonikola, ed., Pod znamením okrídleného hada. Lucas Cranach a ceské zeme, Under the winged Serpent, Lucas Cranach and the Czech Lands, Exhib. Prague 2005
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2005
Pages42-44 (19-20)
Cat. Prague 1905 10 41
AuthorP. Bergner
TitleVerzeichniß der gräflich Nostitzschen Gemälde-Galerie zu Prag
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication1905
Frimmel 1892 133
AuthorTheodor von Frimmel
TitleKleine Galeriestudien I
Place of PublicationBamberg
Year of Publication1892
Würbs 1864 4 13
AuthorC. Würbs
TitleVerzeichniß der Gräflich Nostitzschen Gemälde-Galerie in Prag
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication1864
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  • The Virgin and Child, 1525


File name: CZ_NGP_DO4186_FR-none_2014-06_Overall
File type / description: Digital image
Date: 2014-06
Author & Rights: Gunnar Heydenreich, cda
Source: cda


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Technical studies

06. 2014Technical Examination

  • reverse


- original verso painted dark brown

- verso exhibits broad bevelled edges


Not original

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

06. 2014Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared Reflectography
  • irr




- fluid, black medium and brush


- freehand underdrawing

- thin lines


- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and describe the essential details and the facial features; no representation of volume


- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define form



- Master IW or workshop

[Smith, Sandner, Heydenreich, cda 2014]

  • photographed by Ingo Sandner
  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich

14.07.2003Scientific analysis

  • Identification of wood species / Dendrochronology


Indentification of wood species: fir

Dendrochronology has established 1515 as the earliest date for the felling of the tree. [...] This indicates that the painting's creation is plausible from 1517 onwards (Peter Klein, 14.07.2003).

[Cat. Prague 2007, No. 14]

  • examined by Peter Klein

Conservation History


Report in the conservation department archive of the National Gallery, Prague

  • conservation treatment by Kristina Málková

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