Altarpiece of St Heinrich [left moveable wing]: St Lawrence [recto]; St Heinrich [verso]
Altarpiece of St Heinrich [left moveable wing]: St Lawrence [recto]; St Heinrich [verso]
[cda 2015]
Painting on wood
Painting on wood
[cda 2015]
Recto: full-length depiction of St Lawrence facing left against a dark background. He holds the metal grid of his martyrdom in his right hand and peruses the open book held in his left hand.
Verso: full-length depiction of the canonised Emperor Henry II against a dark background. Henry stands frontally
Recto: full-length depiction of St Lawrence facing left against a dark background. He holds the metal grid of his martyrdom in his right hand and peruses the open book held in his left hand.
Verso: full-length depiction of the canonised Emperor Henry II against a dark background. Henry stands frontally facing the viewer, wearing the attire of an emperor and holding a model of a church in his left hand.
[Görres, cda 2015]
Lucas Cranach the Elder and Workshop
Lucas Cranach the Elder and Workshop
[Cat. Merseburg 2006, 49-55]
Production dates
1537 1535 - 1537
Production dates
[Vereinigte Domstifter, revised 2014]
1535 - 1537
[Cat. Merseburg 2006, 49-55]
Dimensions of support: 167.5 x 67 cm
Dimensions of support: 167.5 x 67 cm
[Cat. Merseburg 2006, 49-55]
Signature / Dating
Inscriptions and Labels
on the halo: 'S: LAVRENTIVS' [recto]
on the halo: 'S: KAISER HEINRICH' [verso] [cda 2015] none
Inscriptions and Labels
Inscriptions, Badges:
on the halo: 'S: LAVRENTIVS' [recto]
on the halo: 'S: KAISER HEINRICH' [verso]
[cda 2015]
Stamps, Seals, Labels:
[cda 2015]
Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz
part of the St Heinrich Altarpiece in the chapel of St Michael in Merseburg cathedral and belonging to the monument dedicated to the donor Bishop Sigismund von Lindenau [Cat. Merseburg 2006, 49-55]
A copy of the contract for the Heinrich Altarpiece that went to ,meyster Lucas Mahlern’ has been found. In the contract the iconography of the panels as well as a lost predella are described in great detail and should be assembled in the following order: Interior: St John the Baptist – The Crucifixion – Emperor Henry II.
Exterior: Maximus – Pope Sixtus – Lawrence – Romanus
Reverse: St John the Evangelist – The Lamentation – Bartholomew
Predella: Christ Blessing
In accordance with this new documented evidence the panels have been rearranged with one exception. The arrangement in the contract was evidently changed during the execution as in the constellation described Maximus and Bartholomew would both be facing outwards. This wing panel has been turned around.
[Ramm 2015, 159-161]
The images in the cda show the winged altarpiece before the discovery of this document and the associated rearrangement.
Altarpiece of St Heinrich [left moveable wing]: St Lawrence [recto]; St Heinrich [verso], 1537
- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate the main contours and define the facial features; no representation of volume with hatching-strokes
- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define forms; almost no changes; handwritten text at the bottom left and right
St Henry [verso]
- fluid black medium, brush
- relatively economic and freehand underdrawing
- thin to broader lines
- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate the main contours and define facial features; no representation of volume with hatching-strokes
- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define forms; almost no changes
- assistant working for Lucas Cranach the Elder
[Sandner, Smith-Contini, Heydenreich, cda 2015]
photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
photographed by Ingo Sandner
Citing from the Cranach Digital Archive
Entry with author
<author's name>, 'Altarpiece of St Heinrich [left moveable wing]: St Lawrence [recto]; St Heinrich [verso]', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
Entry with no author
'Altarpiece of St Heinrich [left moveable wing]: St Lawrence [recto]; St Heinrich [verso]', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})