Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder or Circle | [KKL 2022] |
Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder | [Löcher 1997, p. 135–136; Hess / Mack 2010, p. 280] |
Lucas Cranach the Elder | [Ausst.-Kat. Nürnberg 1983, Nr. 368] |
Production dates
about 1522 - about 1525 | [KKL 2022] |
about 1515 | [Hofbauer 2021, p. 252] |
about 1522/1524 | [Exhib. Cat. Nuremberg 1983, No. 368] |
about 1523/1524 | [Löcher 1997, S. 135] |
after 1546 | [Hess/Mack 2010, 280] |
Dimensions of support: 43.4 x 29.5 cm
[KKL 2022]
- Signature / Dating
Inscriptions and Labels
Stamps, Seals, Labels:
On the reverse of the panel and the frame there are remains of two red wax seals from the Merkelschen Familienstiftung
[KKL 2020]
- Owner
- Paul Wolfgang Merkelsche Familienstiftung
- Repository
- Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg
- Location
- Nuremberg
- DE_GNMN_Gm1570
- FR (1978) Nr.
- FR-none
- KKL-No
- I.6M1, Part of portait group I
- Persistent Link