Retabel of the Vineyard in the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [central panel]: The Lord's Vineyard
Retabel of the Vineyard in the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [central panel]: The Lord's Vineyard
[cda 2013]
Painting on oak wood
Painting on oak wood
[cda 2013]
The Lord's Vineyard is defined as the central motif of the composition by a surrounding fence, which separates it from the landscape behind. A path divides this vineyard into two sections: in the left half the catholic clerics practice exhaustive cultivation, while in the right half leading figures of Protestantism
The Lord's Vineyard is defined as the central motif of the composition by a surrounding fence, which separates it from the landscape behind. A path divides this vineyard into two sections: in the left half the catholic clerics practice exhaustive cultivation, while in the right half leading figures of Protestantism nurture the vines and allow them to flourish in luscious green. In the foreground a procession of clerics, lead by the pope, has stepped beyond the fenced area to meet with Christ and the apostles. Christ appears to have just placed a coin in the pope's hand.
[Görres, cda 2013]
Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop
Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop
[Schade 1974, 96, 98]
Production date
Production date
Dimension of painted surface: 167.5 x 145.4 (clear dimension)
Dimension of painted surface: 167.5 x 145.4 (clear dimension)
Dimensions including frame: 192 x 169.8 x 6.7 cm
[cda 2013]
Signature / Dating
Artist's insignia winged serpent with dropped wings, facing left, and dated '1582'
Signature / Dating
Artist's insignia winged serpent with dropped wings, facing left, and dated '1582'
[cda 2013]
Inscriptions and Labels
Each of the 20 reformers is furnished with a letter in alphabetical order.
on the sheets held by Luther:
'Servus …
Inscriptions and Labels
Inscriptions, Badges:
Each of the 20 reformers is furnished with a letter in alphabetical order.
on the sheets held by Luther:
'Servus LEO X. PP servorum
Indulgentiae plenariae, plus
valent in fatis faci
ento et relaxando tot
aliter celeriter et sin
gulariter, sed opera'
(Servants of the servant Pope Leo X complete indulgence can be achieved more by one who does penance and the forgiveness is total, quick and unique, but also the work is meaningful)
'So balt der grosch
Im Kasten klingt
Alsbald die seel
gehn Himmel sich
on a book in Luther's pile:
'DECRETALES' (canonical code)
on the handle of Luther's rake:
(because you have bewildered us, may God dispel you on Judgement Day.)
on the predella beneath the panel in three columns:
Städtische Konfessionskultur im Spiegel der Kirchenausstattung: Die Mönchskirche von Salzwedel und das Weinbergretabel von Lucas Cranach d. J. (1582)
in Jirí Fajt, Wilfried Franzen, Peter Knüvener, eds., Die Altmark von 1300 bis 1600. Eine Kulturregion im Spannungsfeld von Magdeburg, Lübeck und Berlin
Kalmbach 2007, 14 assumes the letters asigned to each reformer infer that the retabel originally had a written key, which contained the names of the represented figures.
[Görres, cda 2013]
Retabel of the Vineyard in the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [central panel]: The Lord's Vineyard, 1582
- initial design fixed with a dry drawing material; dark chalk
- freehand underdrawing
- delicate, fine to thin lines
- very occasional hatching-strokes
- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and indicate the essential features; occasional representation of volume with hatching-strokes
- alterations made during the painting process
- Lucas Cranach the Younger
[Smith, Sandner, Heydenreich revised 2014]
photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
photographed by Ingo Sandner
2013Technical Examination
The support consists of vertically aligned old planks, on the recto the original dovetails are visible
[cda 2013]
examined by Gunnar Heydenreich
examined by Ingo Sandner
Citing from the Cranach Digital Archive
Entry with author
<author's name>, 'Retabel of the Vineyard in the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [central panel]: The Lord's Vineyard', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
Entry with no author
'Retabel of the Vineyard in the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [central panel]: The Lord's Vineyard', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})