Retabel of the Vineyard from the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [left wing]: Circumcision and Baptism of Christ [recto]; Portrait of Martin Luther [verso]
Retabel of the Vineyard from the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [left wing]: Circumcision and Baptism of Christ [recto]; Portrait of Martin Luther [verso]
[cda 2013]
Painting on oak wood
Painting on oak wood
[cda 2013]
The panel is divided into two fields. The upper field depicts the Circumcision of Christ in the temple. The Christ child sits on the Highpriest's lap, two men accompany the scene. The Virgin and Joseph have pulled back a curtain and watch the event from the behind.
The lower field depicts
The panel is divided into two fields. The upper field depicts the Circumcision of Christ in the temple. The Christ child sits on the Highpriest's lap, two men accompany the scene. The Virgin and Joseph have pulled back a curtain and watch the event from the behind.
The lower field depicts the Baptism of Christ. Clothed only in a loincloth Christ stands in the foreground up to his knees in water. In the midground a group of five men is visible in a luscious riverlandscape. With outstretched arms God the Father sends the Holy Ghost down to the baptism scene in the guise of a dove.
Full-length figure of Martin Luther wearing a black cassock beneath a rounded arch with organic ornamentation in the spandrals. In his hands Luther holds an open book and presents the content to the viewer.
[Görres, cda 2013]
Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop
Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop
[Schade 1974, 96, 98]
Production date
Production date
[central panel dated]
Dimension of painted surface: 166.5 x 59.6 cm (clear dimension)
Dimension of painted surface: 166.5 x 59.6 cm (clear dimension)
Dimensions including frame: 191 x 84.8 x 6.7 cm
[cda 2013]
Signature / Dating
Central panel with artist's insignia winged serpent with dropped wings, facing left, and dated '1582'
Signature / Dating
Central panel with artist's insignia winged serpent with dropped wings, facing left, and dated '1582'
[cda 2013]
Inscriptions and Labels
Biblical quotation in an open book in Luther's hands [verso]:
'Johannes am III
Also hat Gott die wellt
geliebet, …
Inscriptions and Labels
Inscriptions, Badges:
Biblical quotation in an open book in Luther's hands [verso]:
'Johannes am III
Also hat Gott die wellt
geliebet, das er seinen ein-
gebornen son gab, auff das
alle, die an in gleuben ni-
cht verloren werden, son-
dern das ewi-
ge leben ha-
ben. Den gott hatt seinen
Son nicht gesant in die
welt, das er die welt richte
sondern das die welt, durch
in selig werde.'
(John 3,16-17)
'An Timotheum
Das das ist je gewilich
war, vnd ein thewer wer-
des wort, das Christus
Jesus komen ist in die
welt, die Sunder selig
zu machen vnter wel-
chen ich der furnemester
bin, Aber darumb ist
mir barhertzigkeit wider-
faren Auff das an m[ir]
fürnehmlich Jhesus Christus erzeigete Alle gedult Zum Exempel denen die an ihn gleuben sollten.'
Städtische Konfessionskultur im Spiegel der Kirchenausstattung: Die Mönchskirche von Salzwedel und das Weinbergretabel von Lucas Cranach d. J. (1582)
in Jirí Fajt, Wilfried Franzen, Peter Knüvener, eds., Die Altmark von 1300 bis 1600. Eine Kulturregion im Spannungsfeld von Magdeburg, Lübeck und Berlin
in Bozena Steinborn, ed., Ze Studiów nad Sztuka XVI Wieku na Slasku i w Krajach Sasiednich(Materialy z konferencji urzadzonej przez Muzeum Slaskie we Wroclaw 10 i 17 grudnia 1966 roku)
As there is a half-hinge without a matching piece on the outer edge of the wing's frame (when closed) Szclenska 2011, 429 assumes that the retabel once had a further pair of moveable wings.
[Görres, cda 2013]
Retabel of the Vineyard from the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [left wing]: Circumcision and Baptism of Christ [recto]; Portrait of Martin Luther [verso], 1582
- initial design fixed with a dry drawing material; dark chalk; possibly combined with a fluid, black medium; brush?
- freehand underdrawing
- delicate, fine to thin lines
- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and indicate the essential features; no representation of volume
- minor alterations made during the painting process
- Lucas Cranach the Younger or workshop?
- dry drawing material; dark chalk
- freehand underdrawing of the hands
- delicate, fine lines
- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and indicate the essential features; no representation of volume
- minor alterations made during the painting process
- Lucas Cranach the Younger or workshop?
- probably with reference to a pre-existing design
[Smith, Sandner, Heydenreich revised 2014]
photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
photographed by Ingo Sandner
Citing from the Cranach Digital Archive
Entry with author
<author's name>, 'Retabel of the Vineyard from the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [left wing]: Circumcision and Baptism of Christ [recto]; P…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})
Entry with no author
'Retabel of the Vineyard from the Franciscan church, Salzwedel [left wing]: Circumcision and Baptism of Christ [recto]; P…', <title of document, data entry or image>. [<Date of document, entry or image>], in: Cranach Digital Archive, (Accessed {{dateAccessed}})