Triptych for Gotthard von Höveln [left wing]: The Fall of Man (Adam) [exterior]; Christ is Crowned with Thorns [interior]

Triptych for Gotthard von Höveln [left wing]: The Fall of Man (Adam) [exterior]; Christ is Crowned with Thorns [interior]


Triptych for Gotthard von Höveln [left wing]: The Fall of Man (Adam) [exterior]; Christ is Crowned with Thorns [interior]

[cda 2021]

Painting on wood (oak?)


Painting on wood (oak?)

[Emmendörffer 1997, 122]

The exterior of this wing panel shows Adam as a full-length nude figure, facing right in the Garden of Paradise. In his right hand he holds a branch with foliage that discretely covers his private parts and his left hand is held up in an attitude of blessing. In the

The exterior of this wing panel shows Adam as a full-length nude figure, facing right in the Garden of Paradise. In his right hand he holds a branch with foliage that discretely covers his private parts and his left hand is held up in an attitude of blessing. In the foreground accurately painted flowers spring from the grass at his feet. The background is filled with tall trees at the left whereas it opens out at the righthand side to reveal a mountainous landscape and two scenes depicting the creation of Adam and Eve. Unusually the eye of God the Father is included at the top righthand corner. The interior wing shows Christ being crowned with thorns, a scene that occupies the foreground of the image. Behind as on the exterior a narrative is visualized in two further scenes showing the flagellation and mocking of Christ.

[cda 2021]

Hans Kemmer
Lucas Cranach the Elder


Hans Kemmer

[Exhib. Cat. Lübeck 2021, no. 28] [Emmendörffer 1997, 114] [Norberg 1962, 7] [Wentzel 1949, 250]

Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Cat. Strängnäs 1911, 46, 47, no. 94]

Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Blomberg 1943, 16]

Production date
about 1540

Production date

about 1540

[Exhib. Cat. Lübeck 2021, no. 28] [Emmendörffer 1997, 113]

Dimensions of support: 112 x 50 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 112 x 50 cm

  • [Emmendörffer 1997, 122]

Signature / Dating


Inscriptions and Labels

Inscription on the frame: 'denna Tafla // är skängt Till bärbo kiörkia aff Hustru Cattarina Brant // ANNO 1715'

Inscriptions and Labels

Stamps, Seals, Labels:

  • Inscription on the frame: 'denna Tafla // är skängt Till bärbo kiörkia aff Hustru Cattarina Brant // ANNO 1715'

  • see also [Emmendörffer 1997, 122 fn. 640]

Bärbo kyrka, Sverige
Bärbo kyrka, Sverige
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


  • probably war loot
    [Norberg 1962]
  • Bärbo (Sweden), parish church
    [Emmendörffer 1997, 122]


Lübeck 2021, no. 28


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Emmendörffer 2021 129-130
AuthorChristoph Emmendörffer
TitleHans Kemmer. Lübecks Maler in der Reformation.
Publicationin Dagmar Täube, ed., Lucas Cranach der Ältere und Hans Kemmer. Meistermaler zwischen Renaissance und Reformation [Lübeck, St. Annen-Museum]
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2021
Exhib. Cat. Lübeck 2021 210, 211 028 Figs. 210, 211
EditorDagmar Täube
TitleLucas Cranach der Ältere und Hans Kemmer. Meistermaler zwischen Renaissance und Reformation [Lübeck, St. Annen-Museum]
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2021
Emmendörffer 1998 212 Fig. 22.8
AuthorChristoph Emmendörffer
TitleDie selbständigen Cranachschüler
Publicationin Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds., Unsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen, Exhib. Cat. Eisenach
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Emmendörffer 1997 56, 58, 113-123 010 Pl. 9, 11
AuthorChristoph Emmendörffer
TitleHans Kemmer. Ein Lübecker Maler der Reformationszeit
Place of PublicationLeipzig
Year of Publication1997
Redelius 1985 10 Fig.
AuthorGunnar Redelius
TitleBärbo Kyrka 4 Ed.
Place of PublicationNyköping
Year of Publication1985
Gedda 1983
AuthorAnn-Marie Gedda
TitleHistorisk idyll i Bärbo
JournalSödermanlands Nyheter
Year of Publication1983
Norberg 1962
AuthorRune Norberg
TitleHans Kemmers altartavla i Bärbo Kyrka
Year of Publication1962
Wentzel 1949 246-251
AuthorHans Wentzel
Title(Nachrichten und Hinweise)
JournalZeitschrift des Vereins für Lübecker Geschichte und Altertumskunde
Issue31 (1949)
Year of Publication1949
Blomberg 1943 16 Figs. pp. 14-15
AuthorCarl Gustav Blomberg
TitleBärbo Kyrka
Place of PublicationEskilstuna
Year of Publication1943
Leijonhufvud 1937
AuthorKarl Karlson Leijonhufvud
TitleBärbo Kyrka och den inventarier. En historik utarbetad för Södermanlands Nyheter
JournalSödermanlands Nyheter
Year of Publication1937
Cat. Strängnäs 1911 46, 47 094 Fig.
AuthorCarl R. af Ugglas
TitleKatalog öfver Södermanlands Fornminnesförenings Kyrkomuseum i Strängnäs
Place of PublicationSträngnäs
Year of Publication1911
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  • Triptych for Gotthard von Höveln [left wing]: The Fall of Man (Adam) [exterior]; Christ is Crowned with Thorns [interior], about 1540

Overall, interior

File name: SE_BK_NONE-BK001b_FR-none_2020_Overall
File type / description: Digital image
Date: 2020
Author & Rights: Anki Lütz, Sörmlands museum, Nyköping
Source: Sörmlands museum, Nyköping


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Condition Reports


Interior wing panel: rather well preserved with the exception of numerous small losses. […] exterior wing panel. Numerous small losses, particularly in the flesh paint of Adam and Eve. Otherwise the paint layers are relatively intact.

[Emmendörffer 1997, 123]

Conservation History


Baroque overpaint removed from the exterior wing panel depicting Adam and Eve (which according to [Norberg 1962] was added by Olov Pilo). Numerous losses were retouched.

[Emmendörffer 1997, 123]

  • conservation treatment by Alfred Nilssons

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