The Altarpiece of the Holy Kinship [left wing]

The Altarpiece of the Holy Kinship [left wing]


The Altarpiece of the Holy Kinship [left wing]

[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, No. 18]

The so-called "Torgauer Altar" [left wing]

[CDA 2011]

Painting on limewood


Painting on limewood

[Klein, Report 2013]
[Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt 2008, 154, No. 19]
[Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]


St Mary Cleophas and Alphaeus (with the features of Friedrich the Wise) and his two sons are depicted on the front of the panel.

The interior shown on the central panel opens out onto a terrace on the left wing. At the back a wall with pillars and a section


St Mary Cleophas and Alphaeus (with the features of Friedrich the Wise) and his two sons are depicted on the front of the panel.

The interior shown on the central panel opens out onto a terrace on the left wing. At the back a wall with pillars and a section of a defensive wall separate the terrace from the landscape beyond.

St Mary Cleophas sits on the ground with her head bowed and nurses a child (James the Less). Her legs are stretched out to the right, whereas her upper body is shown from the front. She wears a black robe under her red coat and a black bonnet with a gold border on her head.

Alphaeus stands behind her in contemporary dress. He wears a white shirt and green leggings under a gold brocade coat and a beret on his head.

A small boy (Barnabas) sits on his honkers in the foreground and leafs through a book.


The Virgin and Child are depicted in grisaille on the reverse of the panel. They are shown frontally in an arched niche. She holds the naked Christ Child in both hands symmetrically in front of her chest. He sits on the palms of her hands and is turned in profile to the right with his arms around the Virgin's neck. She wears a coat with wide sleeves, which falls in broad tubular folds and billows out on the ground at the left. The folds of the skirt of her robe are only visible at the bottom right. Both have a halo in the form of a disk, which emphasizes the impression that they are sculptural elements.

[see Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]

Lucas Cranach the Elder


Lucas Cranach the Elder

[Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt 2008, 154, No. 19]
[Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]
[Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979, 70-71, No. 18]

Production date

Production date


[central panel dated]

Dimensions of support: 120.5 x 45.2 x 0.9 cm


  • Dimensions of support: 120.5 x 45.2 x 0.9 cm

  • [Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]

  • Dimensions of painted surface, recto: 120.3 x 44.4 cm

  • [Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]

  • Dimensions of painted surface, verso: 120.4 x 44 cm

  • [Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]

Städel Museum Frankfurt a.M.
Städel Museum Frankfurt a.M.
Frankfurt am Main
FR (1978) Nr.
Persistent Link


      • 28.06.1906 auction of the Molinier Collection at Brame in Paris (No. 136), acquired by the Städel with financial assistance from the City of Frankfurt, private patrons and friends, the Städelschen Museums-Vereins and the Carl Schaub'schen Stiftung
        [Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]


Frankfurt a. M. 2008, No. 19


Reference on page Catalogue Number Figure / Plate
Heydenreich 2021 B 67, 69
AuthorGunnar Heydenreich
TitleHans Kemmer: Spuren künstlerischer Gestaltungsprozesse. Teil II: Wittenberg
Publicationin Dagmar Täube, ed., Lucas Cranach der Ältere und Hans Kemmer. Meistermaler zwischen Renaissance und Reformation [Lübeck, St. Annen-Museum]
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2021
Sandner 2021 75
AuthorIngo Sandner
TitleDie Werkstattpraxis Lucas Cranach des Älteren
Publicationin Dagmar Täube, ed., Lucas Cranach der Ältere und Hans Kemmer. Meistermaler zwischen Renaissance und Reformation [Lübeck, St. Annen-Museum]
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2021
Price 2017 20
AuthorDavid H. Price
TitleLucas Cranach e la Riforma
Publicationin Francesca de Luca, Giovanni Maria Fara, eds., I volti della Riforma. Lutero e Cranach nelle collezioni medicee , Exhib. Cat. Florence, 2017
Place of PublicationFlorence, Milan
Year of Publication2017
Wegmann 2017 22, 23 Fig. 4
AuthorSusanne Wegmann
TitleDer selbstbewusste Maler. Lucas Cranach der Ältere im Selbstbildnis
Publicationin Gunnar Heydenreich, Daniel Görres, Beat Wismer, eds., Lucas Cranach der Ältere. Meister - Marke - Moderne. [Exhib. Cat. Düsseldorf 2017]
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2017
Bonnet, Görres 2015 30-33 8 p. 30, 33
AuthorAnne-Marie Bonnet, Daniel Görres
TitleLucas Cranach d. Ä. - Maler der Deutschen Renaissance
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2015
Trümper 2015 20, 24 Fig. 4
AuthorTimo Trümper
TitleInszenierungsstrategien der Ernestiner
Publicationin Julia Carrasco, Justus Lange, Benjamin D. Spira, Timo Trümper, Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha and Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, eds., Bild und Botschaft. Cranach im Dienst von Hof und Reformation, [Exhib. Cat. Gotha, Kassel]
Place of PublicationHeidelberg
Year of Publication2015
Bonnet, Kopp-Schmidt, Görres 2010 146-149 8
AuthorAnne-Marie Bonnet, Gabriele Kopp-Schmidt, Daniel Görres
TitleDie Malerei der deutschen Renaissance
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication2010
Borchert 2010 28, 29 21
AuthorTill-Holger Borchert
TitleCranach der Ältere in den Niederlanden
Publicationin Guido Messling, ed., Die Welt des Lucas Cranach. Ein Künstler im Zeitalter von Dürer, Tizian und Metsys, Exhib. Cat. Brussels
Place of PublicationBrussels
Year of Publication2010
Heydenreich 2010 A 66
AuthorGunnar Heydenreich
TitleReisende Bilder im Wandel
Publicationin Guido Messling, ed., Die Welt des Lucas Cranach. Ein Künstler im Zeitalter von Dürer, Tizian und Metsys, Exhib. Cat. Brussels
Place of PublicationBrussels
Year of Publication2010
Martin 2010 52
AuthorAndrew John Martin
TitleLucas Cranach et l'arte delle corti del Nord; Lucas Cranach and the Art of the Northern Courts
Publicationin Anna Coliva, Bernhard Aikema, eds., Cranach l¿altro rinascimento, a different Renaissance, Exhib. Cat. Rome
Place of PublicationMilan
Year of Publication2010
Pages48 - 61
Müller 2010 64
AuthorMatthias Müller
Title"Menschen so zu malen, daß sie erkannt werden und zu leben scheinen" Naturnachahmung als Problem in Lucas Cranachs höfischer Porträtmalerei
Publicationin Matthias Müller, ed., Apelles am Fürstenhof. Facetten der Hofkunst um 1500 im Alten Reich Exhib. Cat. Coburg 2010
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication2010
Wimböck 2010 B 87
AuthorGabriele Wimböck
TitleUm Glaube und Kunst. Religiöse Kunst um 1500 und ihre Künstler
Publicationin Matthias Müller, ed., Apelles am Fürstenhof. Facetten der Hofkunst um 1500 im Alten Reich [Exhib. Cat. Coburg 2010]
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication2010
Brinkmann 2007 19
AuthorBodo Brinkmann
TitleDas Lächeln der Madonna. Lucas Cranach und die Folgen
Publicationin Bodo Brinkmann, ed., Cranach der Ältere, Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt
Place of PublicationOstfildern
Year of Publication2007
Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt 2007 154- 158 19 pp. 154, 155, 156
EditorBodo Brinkmann
TitleCranach der Ältere, [Frankfurt, Städel Museum, 23 Nov 2007 - 17 Feb 2008]
Place of PublicationOstfildern
Year of Publication2007
Schade 2007 91, 92, 94 1
AuthorWerner Schade
TitleCranachs Berührung durch die Niederlande. Antinomien einer Reisebetrachtung
Publicationin Bodo Brinkmann, ed., Cranach der Ältere, Exhib. Cat. Frankfurt
Place of PublicationOstfildern
Year of Publication2007
Cat. Frankfurt 2005 204-225
AuthorStephan Kemperdick, Bodo Brinkmann
EditorStädelsches Kunstinstitut
TitleDeutsche Gemälde im Städel 1500 - 1550
Place of PublicationMainz
Year of Publication2005
Exhib. Cat. Prague 2005 60 (English version 27) under no. 7
EditorObrazárna Pražského hradu, Kaliopi Chamonikola
TitlePod znamením okrídleného hada. Lucas Cranach a ceské zeme. Under the winged Serpent. Lucas Cranach and the Czech Land
Place of PublicationPrague
Year of Publication2005
Exhib. Cat. Hamburg 2003 168, 170
EditorBucerius Kunst Forum, Werner Schade
TitleLucas Cranach. Glaube, Mythologie und Moderne [Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg]
Place of PublicationOstfildern-Ruit
Year of Publication2003
Exhib. Cat. Eisenach 1998 147 No. 16.7a-c Fig. 16.7c
EditorWartburg-Stiftung, Eisenach, Fachhochschule , Ingo Sandner
TitleUnsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen. Ausstellungskatalog und Tagungsband Katalogteil 1; 2: Werkstatt und Schüler Cranachs; 3: Süddeutsche Meister; 4: Albrecht Dürer und sein Kreis; 5: Rheinische Meister
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Grimm 1998 73, 77
AuthorClaus Grimm
TitleDie Anteile von Meister und Werkstatt. Zum Fall Lucas Cranach d.Ä.
Publicationin Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds., Unsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen, Exhib. Cat. Eisenach
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Heydenreich 1998 A 187 Fig. 21.4b
AuthorGunnar Heydenreich
TitleHerstellung, Grundierung und Rahmung der Holzbildträger in den Werkstätten Lucas Cranachs d.Ä.
Publicationin Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds., Unsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen, Exhib. Cat. Eisenach
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Sandner 1998 B 88, 90, 91
AuthorIngo Sandner
TitleCranach als Zeichner auf dem Malgrund
Publicationin Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds., Unsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen, Exhib. Cat. Eisenach
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Wittmann 1998 169
AuthorJan Wittmann
TitleDie Bedeutung des Marienbildes im Schaffen Cranachs
Publicationin Ingo Sandner, Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach and Fachhochschule Köln, eds., Unsichtbare Meisterzeichnungen auf dem Malgrund. Cranach und seine Zeitgenossen, Exhib. Cat. Eisenach
Place of PublicationRegensburg
Year of Publication1998
Cat. Kassel 1997 56, 62
AuthorAnja Schneckenburger-Broschek
EditorStaatliche Museen Kassel
TitleAltdeutsche Malerei. Die Tafelbilder und Altäre des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts in der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister und im Hessischen Landesmuseum Kassel. Bestandskatalog Staatliche Museen Kassel
Place of PublicationMunich
Year of Publication1997
Ritschel 1996 7-26
AuthorIris Ritschel
TitleDer Frankfurter "Annenaltar" von Lucas Cranach dem Älteren aus dem Jahre 1509: ein Werk aus der Marienkirche zu Torgau?
SeriesKleine Schriften des Torgauer Geschichtsvereins
Place of PublicationTorgau
Year of Publication1996
Ritschel 1995 38-62
AuthorIris Ritschel
TitleDas Gemälde "Die Vierzehn Nothelfer" und "Christus als Schmerzensmann" in der Marienkirche zu Torgau
JournalDenkmalpflege in Sachsen: Mitteilungen des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege Sachsen
Year of Publication1995
Thümmel 1994 170
AuthorHans Georg Thümmel
TitleLucas Cranachs Prager Altar
Publicationin Claus Grimm, Johannes Erichsen, Evamaria Brockhoff, eds., Lucas Cranach. Ein Maler-Unternehmer aus Franken, Exhib. Cat. Kronach 1994
Place of PublicationAugsburg, Coburg
Year of Publication1994
Hinz 1993 32-34
AuthorBerthold Hinz
TitleLucas Cranach d. Ä.
Place of PublicationReinbek near Hamburg
Year of Publication1993
Lübbeke 1991 199-200
AuthorSammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza, Isolde Lübbeke
TitleThe Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection. Early German painting 1350-1550
Place of PublicationLondon
Year of Publication1991
Löcher 1985 B 35
AuthorKurt Löcher
TitleBildnismalerei des späten Mittelalters und der Renaissance in Deutschland
Publicationin I. Lübbeke and B. Bushart, Altdeutsche Bilder der Sammlung Georg Schäfer Schweinfurt
Place of PublicationSchweinfurt
Year of Publication1985
Andersson 1981 43-79
AuthorChristiane D. Anderson
TitleReligiöse Bilder Cranachs im Dienste der Reformation
Publicationin L.W. Spitz, ed., Humanismus und Reformation als kulturelle Kräfte in der Deutschen Geschichte
Place of PublicationBerlin, New York
Year of Publication1981
Friedländer, Rosenberg 1979 70, 71 No. 18 Fig. 18
AuthorMax J. Friedländer, Jakob Rosenberg
EditorG. Schwartz
TitleDie Gemälde von Lucas Cranach
Place of PublicationBasel, Boston, Stuttgart
Year of Publication1979
Wirth 1977 93
AuthorJean Wirth
TitleCranach reconsidéré
JournalRevue de l'art
Year of Publication1977
Exhib. Cat. Basel 1974/1976 20, 76, 77, 683, 753 Fig. 24
AuthorDieter Koepplin, Tilman Falk
TitleLukas Cranach. Gemälde, Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik
Volume1, 2
Place of PublicationBasel, Stuttgart
Year of Publication1974
Koepplin 1974 A 25-34
AuthorDieter Koepplin
TitleZwei Fürstenbildnisse Cranachs von 1509
Year of Publication1974
Schade 1974 28-30, 40, 55-56, 66
AuthorWerner Schade
TitleDie Malerfamilie Cranach
Place of PublicationDresden
Year of Publication1974
Ullmann 1974 7
AuthorErnst Ullmann
TitleLucas Cranach der Ältere. Maler und Werk
Place of PublicationDresden
Year of Publication1974
Hütt 1973 346
AuthorWolfgang Hütt
TitleDeutsche Malerei und Graphik der frühbürgerlichen Revolution
Place of PublicationLeipzig
Year of Publication1973
Hintzenstern 1972 53-55
AuthorHerbert von Hintzenstern
TitleLucas Cranach d. Ä. Altarbilder aus der Reformationszeit
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1972
Strieder 1966 8
AuthorPeter Strieder
TitleDeutsche Malerei in der Dürerzeit
Place of PublicationKönigstein i. Taunus
Year of Publication1966
Mitgau 1963 551
AuthorMane Mitgau
TitleDie Heilige Sippe in Legende und Darstellung
Year of Publication1963
Ruhmer 1963 6, 13, 83
AuthorEberhard Ruhmer
Place of PublicationCologne
Year of Publication1963
Lüdecke 1953 B 40
AuthorHeinz Lüdecke
TitleLucas Cranach der Ältere. Der Künstler und seine Zeit
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1953
Posse 1943 15-16, 53-54
AuthorHans Posse
TitleLucas Cranach d. Ä.
Place of PublicationVienna
IssueSecond edition
Year of Publication1943
Lilienfein 1942 30-31
AuthorHeinrich Lilienfein
TitleLukas Cranach und seine Zeit
Place of PublicationBielefeld
Year of Publication1942
Posse 1942 15-16, 53-54
AuthorHans Posse
TitleLucas Cranach d. Ä.
Place of PublicationVienna
Year of Publication1942
Friedländer, Rosenberg 1932 018
AuthorMax J. Friedländer, Jakob Rosenberg
TitleDie Gemälde von Lucas Cranach
Place of PublicationBerlin
Year of Publication1932
Mielsch 1923 20-23
AuthorRudolf Mielsch
TitleDer Torgauer Altar des Lucas Cranach
JournalTorgauer Kreiskalender
Issue8 (1923)
Year of Publication1923
Heyck 1908 17, 59-60, 64
AuthorEduard Heyck
TitleLukas Cranach
Place of PublicationBielefeld
Year of Publication1908
Swarzenski 1907 49-65
AuthorGeorg Swarzenski
TitleCranachs Altarbild von 1509 im Städelschen Kunstinstitut zu Frankfurt/M
JournalMünchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst
Year of Publication1907
Rieffel 1906 269-273
AuthorFranz Rieffel
TitleDer neue Cranach in der Sammlung des Städelschen Kunstinstitutes
JournalZeitschrift für bildende Kunst. Kunstchronik
IssueN.F. 17=41.1906
Year of Publication1906
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  • The Altarpiece of the Holy Kinship [left wing], 1509


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Date: 2011-07
Author & Rights: Städel Museum, Frankfurt a.M.
Source: Städel Museum, Frankfurt a.M.


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Technical studies

08.04.2013Scientific analysis

  • Identification of wood species / Dendrochronology


Identification of wood species: limewood

  • analysed by Peter Klein

07. 2011Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • irr
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- fluid, black medium and brush


- freehand underdrawing

- thin lines; occasional hatching-strokes


- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and describe the essential details and the facial features; some representation of volume (hatching-strokes)


- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define form



- Lucas Cranach the Elder



- fluid, black medium and brush


- freehand underdrawing

- broader lines


- relatively binding for the final painted version; lines delineate contours and describe the essential details; no representation of volume


- minor alterations made during the painting process to clearly define form (e.g. halo, the Virgin’s face)



- Lucas Cranach the Elder?

[Smith, Sandner, Heydenreich, cda 2012]

  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich
  • photographed by Ingo Sandner

2005Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Infrared reflectography
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail
  • detail


- seven boardss, aligned horizontally

- height from top to bottom: board I – left 16.5 cm, right 17.2 cm; board II – left 24.0 cm, right 24.9 cm; board III – left 13.1 cm, right 11.1 cm; board IV – left 15.1 cm, right 14.5 cm; board V – left 14.5 cm, right 16.3 cm; board VI – left 18.4 cm, right 16.6 cm; board VII – left 18.7 cm, right 18.9 cm


A freehand underdrawing executed employing a brush is visible in the infrared reflectogram:

- on the recto this is visible in both children as well as the hand and sleeve of St Mary Cleophas; deviations from the underdrawing are apparent in the left hand of Alpheaus and in his face

- the brushstrokes are broader and more summary on the verso and they are barely distinguishable from the painted version in the infrared reflectogram. Here there are also some deviations: the Virgin’s right hand finger has been moved and the second tubular fold originally came from the left

Paint Layers and Gilding

- on both the recto and the verso the edge of the painted surface has been covered with a black strip

- the haloes were executed in gold leaf



[Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]

2000Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysis
  • analysis
  • analysis

CDA ID/Inventory Number: DE_SMF_1398B

Cross-section number: EP 133

Paint description: grey pedestal (grisaille)

Sample location: left wing, reverse, pedestal at the bottom centre

Sample number: 132

Examination methods: microscopy, SEM-EDX


5. varnish

4. grey layer, warm tone with coarser black pigments (overpaint?) (EDX: Pb, Ca, Si, Hg, Fe, lead white, in an admixture with vermilion and iron oxide )

3. transparent brownish layer > glaze or varnish

2. transparent brownish layer > original glaze or varnish

1. grey layer containing white and fine black pigments (soot black) an application in one or two layers? (EDX: Pb, Ca, lead white, chalk, no copper blue)

0. white layer > ground, no imprimatura visible, fibrous inclusions (protein fibre?)

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

2000Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysis
  • analysis

CDA ID/Inventory Number: DE_SMF_1398B

Cross-section number: EP 132

Paint description: grey (dark grey) wall

Sample location: left wing, dark grey wall, top right

Sample number: 131

Examination method: microscopy


6. recent varnish

5. transparent brownish layer > varnish

4. transparent brownish layer > old varnish with dirt on the surface

3. dark grey layer with black and some white pigments, applied in two layers, in UV-light the maxtix exhibits a partiall fluorescene

2. thin white layer, single black pigments > underpaint or imprimatura

1. white layer > ground, two layers?

0. wood

Comments: multilayered varnish over a grey paint layer; white underpaint/imprimatura over a white ground

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

2000Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysis

CDA ID/Inventory Number: DE_SMF_1398B

Cross-section number: EP 131

Paint description: grey architecture (light grey pillar)

Sample location: left wing, pillar at top right

Sample number: 130

Examination methods: microscopy, SEM-EDX


3. grey layer containing white, black and some blue pigments (EDX: Pb, Si, Cu), azurite, carbon black, lead white, silicon, a lot of organic material)

2. thin white layer with single black pigments > underpaint or imprimatura

1. white layer > ground

0. wood

Comments: grey layer over an almost white underpaint or imprimatura

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

2000Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysis

CDA ID/Inventory Number: DE_SMF_1398B

Cross-section number: EP 130

Paint description: grey floor tile

Sample location: left wing, grey tile

Sample number: 129

Examination method: microscopy


4. extremely thin red layer containing vermilion pigments > reddish glaze?

3. thicker whitish grey layer with some black pigments and glassy inclusions

2. thin white layer with single black pigments > underpaint or imprimatura

1. yellowish white layer > ground very thin here!

0. wood

Comments: very thin reddish glaze(?) over a whitish grey underpaint

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

2000Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysis

CDA ID/Inventory Number: DE_SMF_1398B

Cross-section number: EP 129

Paint description: green tree

Sample location: left wing, top edge, green tree

Sample number: 128

Examination method: microscopy


8. thick glassy layer > recent varnish, pigmented

7. thin brown glassy layer (yellow in UV-light) > glaze or old varnish

6. thin brownish glassy layer (yellow in UV-light) > glaze or old varnish, layer containing dark dirt particles(?)

5. lush green layer with green pigments

4. paler green layer with green pigments (and white or yellow)

3. green layer, semi-transparent with green pigments, contours barely discernable (verdigris?), some brownish inclusions

2. pale grey layer with white and black pigments > underpaint

1. white layer > ground

0. wood

Comments: multilayered green paint with an old varnish

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

2000Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysis
  • analysis
  • analysis
  • analysis

CDA ID/Inventory Number: DE_SMF_1398B

Cross-section number: EP 128

Paint description: blue sky

Sample location: left wing, sky, top edge

Sample number:127

Examination methods: microscopy, SEM-EDX


4. glassy layer with red inclusions > recent varnish

3. blue layer with white (lead white) and blue (EDX: Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Pb ultramarine) and glassy pigments> sky

2. grey layer with white and black splintery pigments (EDX: lead white and carbon black) > underpaint

1. white layer > ground, no coccoliths

0. wood

Comments: blue sky (natural ultramarine) over grey underpaint

  • examined by Gunnar Heydenreich

1994Technical examination / Scientific analysis

  • Other imaging techniques


  • photographed by Gunnar Heydenreich

1994Scientific analysis

  • Micro-sampling / cross-sections
  • analysis
  • analysed by Gunnar Heydenreich

Condition Reports


  • a wooden batten was attached to the bottom edge of the panel. It is 0.4 cm thick and is now slightly damaged on the right

  • recto: in UV light the following irregular cleaning tests are visible: more varnish was removed from the flesh paint of St Mary Cleophas and the white sleeve of the figure in the foreground, the face and chest of Alpheaus, the castle and the rocky outcrop in the background

  • verso: numerous retouchings over an old varnish (from a past restoration), which was unevenly thinned; there are patchy cleaning tests here too: more varnish was removed from the child, the head, the hair, the hands and the right sleeve of the Virgin as well as her stomach and her robe; under the varnish there are large retouchings in the bottom third of the figure, on the folds of the coat below her left arm and on her lower arm as well as on the left of the niche

[Cat. Frankfurt 2005, 204-225]

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