Altäre Lucas Cranachs und seiner Werkstatt vor der Reformation
in Claus Grimm, Johannes Erichsen, Evamaria Brockhof, eds., Lucas Cranach. Ein Maler-Unternehmen aus Franken, Exhib. Cat. Kronach 1994
Veröffentlichungen zur bayerischen Geschichte und Kultur
Place of Publication
Augsburg, Regensburg
Year of Publication
Works discussed in publication
Reference on page
Catalogue Number
Figure / Plate
Small retabel with the resurrection of Christ [central panel]
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Kassel
151, 156
Portable Altarpiece belonging to Landgrave Wilhelm II. of Hesse and Anna of Mecklenburg: St Barbara [left wing]
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Kassel
151, 156
Portable Altarpiece belonging to Landgrave Wilhelm II. of Hesse and Anna of Mecklenburg: St Catherine [right wing]
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Kassel
151, 156
Altarpiece of the Virgin, or so-called Princes' Altarpiece [left wing]
Anhaltische Gemälde-Galerie, Dessau
151, 158
Fig. A94
Altarpiece of the Virgin, or so-called Princes' Altarpiece [right wing]
Anhaltische Gemälde-Galerie, Dessau
151, 158
Fig. A94
Altarpiece of the Virgin, or so-called Princes' Altarpiece [central panel]
Anhaltische Gemälde-Galerie, Dessau
151, 158
Fig. A94
Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
152, 153, 155
Fig. A.96
Triptych with Christ among the Doctors [central panel]
Private Collection
152, 156, 157, 164, Fn. 13
Fig. A 102
Triptych with Christ among the Doctors [left panel]: The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes [recto], Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia giving Alms [verso]
Private Collection
152, 156, 157, 164, Fn. 13
Fig. A 102
Triptych with Christ among the Doctors [right panel]: The Marriage at Cana [recto], The Nativity [verso]
Private Collection
152, 156, 157, 164, Fn. 13
Fig. A 102
Wing panel with the Virgin and child with St Anne [recto] and the coat-of-arms of John the Constant [verso]
Private Collection
152, 164
Neustadt Retabel [left wing]: Baptism of Christ [recto] Christ Taking Leave of his Mother [verso]
Evangelische Stadtkirche St. Johannis zu Neustadt/Orla
152-155, 158
Figs. A97, A98, A99
Neustadt Retabel [right wing]: The Beheading of St John [recto] The Virgin Taking Leave of her Son [verso]
Evangelische Stadtkirche St. Johannis zu Neustadt/Orla
152-155, 158
Figs. A97, A98, A99
Neustadt Retabel [left fixed wing]: St John Baptist with the Lamb
Evangelische Stadtkirche St. Johannis zu Neustadt/Orla
152-155, 158
Figs. A97, A98, A99
Neustadt Retabel [right fixed wing]: St Simon the Apostel and St Jude Thaddeus the Apostel
Evangelische Stadtkirche St. Johannis zu Neustadt/Orla
152-155, 158
Figs. A97, A98, A99
Neustadt Retabel [predella]: The Last Judgement
Evangelische Stadtkirche St. Johannis zu Neustadt/Orla
152-155, 158
Figs. A97, A98, A99
Retabel in the Church of St Nikolai, Jüterbog [central panel]: Lamentation of Christ
Ev. St. Nikolaigemeinde Jüterbog
Retabel in the Church of St Nikolai, Jüterbog [left wing]: St Bartholomew [recto], Christ in the Last Judgement [verso]
Ev. St. Nikolaigemeinde Jüterbog
Wing of an altarpiece with Sts James the Elder, Matthew (Thomas?), Andrew
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
156, 160, 161
Fig. A106c
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
156, 162, 163
Fig. A109c
Retabel of the Jüterbog church of St Nikolai [left wing]: Virgin and Child with St Anne [recto], the Virgin of the Last Judgement [verso]
Ev. St. Nikolaigemeinde Jüterbog
156, 163
Fig. A109d
Wings from the Altarpiece for the West Chancel of Naumburg Cathedral [left wing]: St Catharine [exterior]
Domstift Naumburg
Wings from the Altarpiece for the West Chancel of Naumburg Cathedral [left wing]: The Apostel Philip and James the Younger with Philipp, Count Palatine of the Rhein (1480-1541), Bishop of Freising (since 1499), Administrator of the Diocese of Naumburg (since 1517) as Donor [inner side]
Domstift Naumburg
Wings from the Altarpiece for the West Chancel of Naumburg Cathedral [right wing]: The Apostel James the Elder and St Mary Magdalene with Bishop Johannes III. von Schönberg (1492-1517) as Donor [interior]
Domstift Naumburg
Wings from the Altarpiece for the West Chancel of Naumburg Cathedral [right wing]: St Barbara [exterior]
Domstift Naumburg
The Virgin and Child with Four Female Saints
painting not preserved
The Washing of the Feet
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
The Agony in the Garden
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
The Entombment
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
Christ crowned with Thorns
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
The Scourging of Christ
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
Christ in Limbo
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
The Resurrection
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
Christ carrying the Cross
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
Ecce Homo
Grunewald hunting lodge
157, 158
Jachimov Retabel [central panel]: The Betrothal of St Catherine
Kostel svatého Jáchyma a svaté Anny (Church St Joachim and St Anne)
Jachimov Retabel [left wing]: The Annunciation [recto]; St John the Evangelist [verso]
Kostel svatého Jáchyma a svaté Anny (Church St Joachim and St Anne)
Jachimov Retabel [right wing]: The Visitation [recto]; St James the Greater [verso]
Kostel svatého Jáchyma a svaté Anny (Church St Joachim and St Anne)
Jachimov Retabel [Predella]: The Adoration of the Magi
Kostel svatého Jáchyma a svaté Anny (Church St Joachim and St Anne)
Jachimov Retabel [superstructure]: The Death of the Virgin
Kostel svatého Jáchyma a svaté Anny (Church St Joachim and St Anne)
Jachimov Retabel [superstructure]: The Coronation of the Virgin
Kostel svatého Jáchyma a svaté Anny (Church St Joachim and St Anne)
The Virgin and Child with the infant St John Baptist
Private Collection
The Martyr of the 10000 Christians
Schlosskirche Chemnitz
The Holy Trinity above a landscape and within a gloriole of angels
Kunsthalle Bremen - Der Kunstverein in Bremen
159, 161-163
Fig. 108c
The Holy Trinity (Mercy Seat) [recto]; The Assumption of Two Deceased Souls [verso]